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Here’s How You Can Support Eating Disorder Awareness Week on Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

Her Campus at Drexel has dedicated the month of February to our #LoveYourself campaign. March may be fast approaching, but we know that loving ourselves is a commitment that should be practiced every day of the year. That’s why you need to know about National Eating Disorder Awareness Week. NEDA Week is from February 21 until February 27. If you’re wondering how you can participate in a week’s worth of events hosted on campus about how to love yourself and how to retain healthy thought patterns, even when facing your biggest insecurities, we’ve got the rundown.

Every year Drexel’s very own Delta Phi Epsilon sorority partners with the National Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders Foundation to host ANAD Week on campus around the same time as National Eating Disorder Awareness Week. This year ANAD week will commence on February 22nd, and the week’s events are for everyone on campus to come out and learn more about loving themselves and resources available to those struggling with eating disorders.

Check out the ANAD week schedule below and on Facebook for everything you need to know about participating on campus to support the cause!

Monday, 2/22: 7:00 PM -8:30 PM Eating Disorder Panel in Stratton 113

DPhiE has partnered with Active Minds and Theta Chi fraternity to host a panel of experts on the symptoms and treatments of eating disorders, as well as a current student who will be sharing her personal experience overcoming an eating disorder.

Tuesday, 2/23: 11:00 AM-2:00 PM Trash Your Insecurities at Mario the Dragon

Come out to the Mario statue to Trash Your Insecurities with DPhiE! There will be music and free coffee from Saxby’s to keep you warm.

Wednesday, 2/24: 6:00 PM -9:00 PM Pasta Dinner at DPhiE

DPhiE will be hosting a pasta dinner at the sorority house (212 North 34th Street). Entry is $5 for all you can eat Parmesan chicken nuggets, pasta, and healthy desserts. All proceeds go directly to the ANAD Foundation.

Thursday, 2/25: 11:00 AM-2:00 PM Eating Disorder Documentary & Screening

Active minds will be hosting an eating disorder screening event in North Hall, as well as a viewing of a documentary from the National Eating Disorder Association that helps identify unhealthy patterns of thinking and behavior that can encourage eating disorders.

Friday, 2/26: 11:00 AM-12:00 PM Scale Smash at the DAC

Join DPhiE and Southern Smash in the DAC for a scale smash!

7:00 PM-8:00 PM: Yoga

To conclude ANAD week, DPhiE will be hosting a yoga class at the DAC.

The ladies of Delta Phi Epsilon want to show Drexel University that even while the standards of beauty exemplified through the media can be unrealistic, everyone deserves to love himself or herself as they are. Come out to one or more of this week’s events to support DPhiE and all those suffering from an eating disorder.

Jenna Adrian is a student at Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA. She studies Design & Merchandising. She's currently paving the way to create a career that will unite her passion for both style and government policy reform. In her free time, she enjoys reading, writing, running, and learning the in's and out's of city culture. You can find her at a coffee shop, a networking event, or brainstorming for her latest article. Check out her thoughts on coffee, fashion, and life in the city on her personal blog, & some like it haute. 
Her Campus Drexel contributor.