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HCDU Congratulates 2013 Grads!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

If you’re still on campus, odds are you’ve seen the floods of graduating seniors dressed in full regalia milling into the DAC. While I am not a graduating senior, I could feel their excitement and happiness as they posed with family members and fellow graduates. I spent part of my day today helping students graduating from the College of Nursing and Health Professions get their hoods and caps correctly situated before their ceremony began at 1:30 pm.  The sun had just finally popped through as they waited to be escorted into the DAC.

I was listening to their career aspirations, where they’ve been and how they plan on reaching their goals. It was inspiring and made me think a lot about how lucky we all are. I know we are told time and time again that the job market is tough and that we should stay in school as long as possible, but today made me realize that as Drexel students we don’t have to worry about finding a job after college as much as other graduating students. Sure, a lot of us have been here for five years, but it’s not like we’ve been idle! I’ve grown as a student and a professional at Drexel and I’ve watched as my friends have done the same. We’re well prepared and graduation is an exciting thing!

Everyone at Her Campus Drexel is sending well wishes and congratulations to all graduates, and a happy summer to the rest!

Aubrey Nagle is an English major at Drexel University. She is currently a Features intern at Marie Claire and has previously interned Seventeen and Philadelphia magazine. She loves everything about pop culture and someday hopes to be a culture critic or an Entertainment Director for a women's magazine or national newspaper.To view her clips visit aubreynagle.contently.com and follow her on Twitter @aubsn.