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Conscious Collegiette: 6 Ways to Green Your Fitness Routine

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

Ahhh, summer’s finally here. For me that means cold drinks, BBQs, popsicles, picnics, fireworks, and swimsuits! And swimsuits mean getting that beach bod by eating healthy (try Meatless Mondays!) and working out! So how do you green your fitness routine? Whether you do your own workouts, run, go to group exercise classes, or play sports, there’s always a more conscious alternative to the conventional.

1. Take a break from the artificial lighting and man-smell of the gym and take your exercise outside! Put together a fun workout playlist that gets you pumped, turn up the volume, and just go. The unstable sidewalks and paths work more muscles and burn more calories than just running on the treadmill or elliptical. In addition, not only are you saving energy, you’re also working on your sweet tan (with some SPF, of course!).

2. I teach group exercise classes and one of my pet peeves is when participants, who are working so hard to stay healthy by coming to my class and asking questions, bring a single-use plastic bottle to class (whomp whomp). Americans buy an estimated 29.8 billion plastic water bottles every year, and nearly eight out of every 10 bottles will end up in a landfill. Thinking this water is cleaner and it’s more convenient than tap, many turn to favorites like SmartWater, Dasani, or Aquafina. I’ve got news for you: almost 50% of bottled water is filtered tap water, it costs 2,000 times more than tap water, and plastic has a lot of really dangerous chemicals including Bisphenol-A (BPA), a known hormone disruptor that’s banned in the European Union because of its dangerous health effects. So next time, bring your own bottle and fill up at the Rec Center water fountain to save money and stay healthy in the long run. The bottles can reflect your personality; there are tons of colors and materials to choose from. Don’t be that guy at the gym with the plastic bottle. Not. Cool.

3. Since the weather is finally getting warmer, try riding your bike to work or class instead of driving. Bike commuting is on the rise because it’s cheaper and healthier! If that’s too much of a commitment, try riding your bike to the gym to get a quick cardio warm-up to optimize the rest of your workout.

4. One of the gross things about going to a spinning class or other equipment-based group exercise class is the fear of touching someone else’s sweat. Gyms will usually have some paper towels and some sort of disinfectant spray to wipe everything down after your done using the equipment but usually that disinfectant stuff is actually really toxic for our bodies. Most contain carcinogens and allergens. When we work out and sweat, our pores open up allowing more things to get into our body, like toxic sprays. Keep your body (and lungs) safe by asking your gym to buy more Eco-friendly cleaning supplies, like Seventh Generation, or bring your own. And don’t forget your own towel!

5. Similar to the issue with the disinfectants, our workout clothes, especially if they’re cotton or “sweat-wicking” can have a lot of pesticides and chemicals in them. So the next time you’re in need of a new shirt or shorts, go for things made from bamboo, hemp, or recycled materials! They’re still super cute and conscious. Check out the Nike Legend 2.0 Tight Poly Women’s Training Capris ($70, Nike.com) made from 10 recycled water bottles. Patagonia also has a large selection of organic workout clothes.

6. Take your conscientiousness a step further and invest in more sustainable fitness gear like a conscious Gaiam Everything Fits gym bag made of 100% recycled polyester ($60, Gaiam.com) or a Gaiam Sol Suddha Eco Yoga Mat made from 100% recycled materials ($35, Amazon.com). BONUS: Don’t know what to do with your old yoga mat? Mail it in to Recycle Your Mat.

These are just a few ways of many to green your fitness routine! Simple changes like taking your routine outside and recycling your old yoga mat can make a big difference in the world of conscious fitness and health. I hope I’ve inspired you to go sweat it out but don’t forget your reusable water bottle!

What do you do to green your routine?

Business Administration student at Drexel University minoring in sustainable built environments. President of the Drexel Sierra Club, VP of Academic Affairs of the Drexel Smart House, and council member of the Drexel Green Sustainability Council.
Aubrey Nagle is an English major at Drexel University. She is currently a Features intern at Marie Claire and has previously interned Seventeen and Philadelphia magazine. She loves everything about pop culture and someday hopes to be a culture critic or an Entertainment Director for a women's magazine or national newspaper.To view her clips visit aubreynagle.contently.com and follow her on Twitter @aubsn.