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Carly Rae Jepsen Just Released “Party For One,” And We’re Obsessed

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

Okay, so anyone who knows me knows that I’m pretty much Carly Rae Jepsen’s number one fan (although I’m sure there are people willing to fight me on this, and to those people, I say bring your swords). Not only is loving Carly gay culture, but Carly herself is the queen of just about everything you could ever think of. Her upbeat pop music has the ability to pretty much banish any negative energy in your life, despite being grossly underrated by the general public. For those of you who think she’s only written Call Me Maybe, I urge you to listen to E•MO•TION  (trust me, it’ll change your life).

Just last week, the queen herself blessed us all with a new single, Party for One, her first single since Cut To the Feeling in 2016. The song itself is a self love anthem, with the lyrics, “If you don’t care about me, I’ll just dance by myself, back on my beat.” Like all of Carly’s music, this song has the ability to take you out of whatever mood you’re in and be happy, even if just for 3 minutes and 4 seconds.

But Queen Carly didn’t just stop with the song, oh no, she also gave us an iconic music video featuring Carly in a pair of Calvin Kleins dancing around a hotel room (goals). The video also featured Mark Kanemura, who is admittedly probably beating me out for the number one fan slot, and created a series of amazingly gay videos for Cut to the Feeling (seriously, if you haven’t watched his videos, go there right after you watch Party For One).

Party For One’s video is definitely unique, and after watching it at least a solid 20 times I can say that the cast of characters Carly has included are not only diverse but show a shift in Carly’s music to a more mature audience that has stuck with her since  E•MO•TION and will continue to stick with her through this next era. I hope that we continue to see this side of Carly as we enter into a new era of music from the pop star.

Carly is set to release her new album in 2019, but for now, you can stream, download, and share the song on Spotify and iTunes, and head over to YouTube to give the video a share and thumbs up!

Caitlin is a senior at Drexel University in a dual degree BA/MA program in English and publishing. She is passionate about ending mental health stigma, fighting for LGBT rights and advocating for feminism.
Her Campus Drexel contributor.