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Campus Cutie: Rayauna Nolan

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

Name: Rayauna Chamille Nolan

Age: 19

Major: Health Sciences (Pre-Med)

Class: Sophomore (Class of 2018)

Relationship Status: Single


Are you involved in any student orgs?

I am the secretary of Drexel MAPS, which is the Minority Association for Pre-Med Students. As a club we educate people on health issues as well as the pathways to public health fields. We try to establish relationships between pre-health students and med school students and professionals. It’s a great way for pre-health students to get valuable advice and encouragement to keep going.


Why did you choose Drexel?

I really like Philly. The atmosphere and the architecture of buildings, especially city hall, are beautiful. Drexel is also the perfect distance from my home in New Jersey.


What has been the best moment you have had here?

The best moment was when I got a roommate that I really liked. We spend a lot of time together both in and out of the room. We share similar interests as well as a lot of the same classes.


What’s your favorite place to eat on campus?

I love, LOVE, love Vegetate. Their pizza and their smoothies are REALLY good.


What’s your spirit animal?

I would have to say sloths. They are so cute and small. They do whatever they want whenever they want. It sounds like the perfect life to me.


What’s one thing on your bucket list?

I want to travel outside the United States and go someplace tropical with beautiful beaches and clear waters.


What’s your favorite Disney movie?

Mulan would be my favorite because of the songs and it’s an inspirational movie for young women everywhere.


If you could pick any actor to play you in a movie, who would you choose?

I would choose Danielle Brooks. She plays Taystee in Orange is the New Black. She’s gorgeous and super funny. I would watch anything with her in it.

Maegan is a sophomore History major at Drexel University who constantly contemplates double majoring or double minoring. When she's not writing a paper, reading or watching Netflix, she can be found day-dreaming, eating, staring at the sun or all of the above.
Her Campus Drexel contributor.