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Campus Cutie: Mary Shiffer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

Name: Mary C. ShifferAge: 20Class: SophomoreMajor: MarketingRelationship Status: Single

Why did you choose Drexel?I picked Drexel because I always dreamed of being in a city. I will be honest and say I was not very realistic when it came to picking a school my parents and I could agree on. I was about to give up and apply to a school 15 minutes away from my parent’s house, it is a great school, but just wasn’t what I had dreamt of for me and my future. But then I got mail form Drexel, did some research, and visited with my dad. We were both very impressed with the location, the co-op program, and the diverse opportunities it offered. Pursuing a higher education anywhere is a huge investment, but I knew I had to take a calculated risk and take advantage of all Drexel presented, so it was the only school I applied to. I applied early decision and got accepted and now here I am!

What’s your favorite place to eat on campus?My favorite place to eat on campus is my apartment because then nobody can see me stuff my face or I can watch TV while I do.

What’s your spirit animal? My spirit animal would be a unicorn, one with wings, only because it was one of the things somebody told me and magic is cool. And I want wings!

What’s one thing on your bucket list? One thing on my bucket list is to see Coldplay in concert. I sound so basic or like a lame dad, but they are my favorite band for so many reasons. I’ve watched their documentaries and live performances before, but I kick myself for not seeing them yet. They are the only band I would pay obnoxious amounts for and would want front row tickets for. It would be cool to see them anywhere, but there are certain cities I would just love to see them perform in especially so. They just make me feel hopeful. Eww I sound so creepy and dweeby.

What do you want to do after graduation? All I want to do after I graduate is pay off my loans, see the world, and make a difference. I just want to help people and I think through that, through learning about other people’s lives, you experience life more fully, and that’s all I want and need — an experience.

Her Campus Drexel contributor.