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Campus Cutie: Khalesha Baldwin-Campbell

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

Name: Khalesha Baldwin-Campbell
Age: 21
Major: Entrepreneurship/Management
Class: Pre-junior (Class of 2018)
Relationship Status: Single and ready to mingle!

What are your hobbies?
My hobbies are creative writing, event planning, matchmaking, creating meals from Pinterest, and giving makeovers.

Are you involved in any student orgs? If so, list.
I’m a proud member of LeBow Bridge, which is a program designed to assist students in Building Relationships in Diverse Group Experiences. The goals of the program focus on four pillars: academic excellence, financial literacy, and social and community engagement. I’m also a proud member of the Organization of Women Looking for Sisterhood in Chi Upsilon Sigma (O.W.L.S. in C.U.S.).

What’s your favorite part about Drexel?
My favorite part about Drexel is coming across opportunities I know I wouldn’t have received if I didn’t attend the school. These opportunities include co-op and meeting amazing people. These events and people I have met have allowed me to grow personally and professionally.

What’s been the best moment you have had here?
The best moment I had at Drexel was having a chance to hug Mo’ne Davis and meeting a few former sports team players during my co-op. Other moments include meeting both of my roommates.

What do you want to do after you graduate?
After graduating I want to manage a hospital or health facility. I want to eventually open my own clinic and non-profit that will help my community improve physically, mentally, and spiritually. 

What’s your spirit animal?
My spirit animal is a butterfly. I’m light and playful and my beauty reveals itself as I grow and make small transformations. 

What’s one thing on your bucket list?
One thing on my bucket list is to write and publish a book.

What’s your favorite Disney movie?
I can’t choose between Tarzan and The Lion King as my favorite Disney movie.

If you could pick any actor to play you in a movie, who would you choose?
Taraji P. Henson, she would capture all my personalities.

What is your dream vacation spot?
My dream vacation spot would be any Caribbean island.

If you were an ingredient in a Chipotle burrito what would you be?
I would be the meat, because that’s my favorite part of a burrito.


Sarah is a Marketing and Technology & Innovation Management major from Brooklyn, NY. In her free time she enjoys reading lifestyle/fashion/beauty blogs and literature, trying to get her life together, watching Netflix, and spending an unhealthy amount of time on social media. 
Her Campus Drexel contributor.