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Campus Cutie: Anuja Kapri

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

Meet Anuja Kapri! This Drexel senior is quite the world traveler. Anuja grew up in Nepal, went to boarding school in India, and studied abroad in London and Iceland! She somehow finds time to be involved in Greek life and do volunteer work while balancing her three majors, (yup, I said three!).  Here are some fun facts about Anuja!

Majors: Design and Merchandising, Finance, International Business

Hometown: Kathmandu, Nepal

Favorite travel destination: Thailand

Interests/Hobbies: Theater, horseback riding, Impressionist art, sailing, fashion and reading literature.

Favorite part of your week: I volunteer at the Free Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped and I really enjoy it.

Favorite sports team: Oracle Team USA (Sailing), Manchester United (Soccer)

Favorite part about being in a sorority: There are so many things I love about being a Delta Zeta. I am so lucky to have such an amazing support system and enjoy constantly getting to know girls from various backgrounds and majors. I always have friends to get dressed with or take classes with and cannot imagine college without DZ!

Dream job: Chief Financial Officer for a Fashion house.

Favorite Designer: Valentino

Biggest Inspiration: My father, for being my mentor and always supporting me in everything I do!


Aubrey Nagle is an English major at Drexel University. She is currently a Features intern at Marie Claire and has previously interned Seventeen and Philadelphia magazine. She loves everything about pop culture and someday hopes to be a culture critic or an Entertainment Director for a women's magazine or national newspaper.To view her clips visit aubreynagle.contently.com and follow her on Twitter @aubsn.