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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

Name: Amoretto Ashley Major: Design & Merchandising Relationship Status: In a relationship Age: 18 Class: 2019

What are your hobbies? I love to sing and dance, do all types of art, and I love fashion. Since coming to Drexel I’ve also gotten into Latin Ballroom dancing and am considering joining the Salsa Club.

What is your favorite part about Drexel? I like how it is so professional and work oriented. I came here to prepare for a career and the professors start doing that day one. I think a lot of the students here are ambitious, as I am. I also think the fast pace of classes creates a motivating environment.

Why did you choose Drexel? The major first, the co-ops second. Believe it or not, Drexel was the only school I could find that combined visual studies and design with business and marketing. That’s what I decided I wanted to do before even beginning my college search, and Drexel offered the innovative Design & Merchandising program. It perfectly fit what I wanted and also focused on fashion, an industry I’ve always dreamed of being in. It’s a perfect match (Drexel is actually the only school I applied to) and I’m so lucky to be going here.

What has been the best moment you have had here? No specific moment yet, I am just really enjoying meeting new people. I like how Drexel brings in a lot of international students because I love meeting people from all over the country and world.

What do you want to do after you graduate? I’m not completely sure, but lately I’ve been entertaining the idea of being a fashion show producer. I love setting a scene with colors, music, lighting, decoration, etc. and I think it would be awesome to work with designers to make their visions for the show come to life.

What’s your favorite place on eat on campus?  Anywhere off campus…sorry Drexel, but your dining options suck. My favorite place so far is Sweet Green on Penn’s campus (they also have one in Center City) It is totally my style—all organic, very down-to-earth salads and “grain bowls”, and their fruit frescas are amazing.  

What is you go ­to study spot?  Urban Eatery. I can pump myself full of coffee and yerba mate to get the job done. And you usually get to see people so you don’t feel so anti-social but once they see you’re working they don’t bother you for too long.

What’s your spirit animal?  I’d like to think it’s a peacock. Blue, green, gold and purple are definitely my colors and I think peacocks are so elegant and fashionable. They are unique and bold, and I don’t know if they are social creatures but it seems like they would be outgoing. However, peacocks can look and act really silly sometimes. I sing all the time so I have to be some kind of bird! 

What is your dream vacation spot?  Somewhere tropical! Like Hawaii or the Bahamas. I love warm weather and sitting on the beach, and I actually really want to try trekking a rainforest!

What is your ideal first date?  Something simple and happy. Like just walking and talking, then going to a little café for lunch. Or a dinner, but not a serious one. Something casual that provides lots of time for conversation.

What is your best pick­up line? I ask them to explain something (knowing the men I find, usually a sport) that I don’t know about or understand. First, it shows their communication skills and how well we get along with each other, second, it shows their patience. Plus, it gives them a chance to talk, and hopefully I get to learn something new. The guy I’m with now explained football to me in one sitting! Definitely a keeper ;)

Her Campus Drexel contributor.