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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

The season for all things spooky has arrived! Between school, planning your Halloween costume, and going to Halloween themed events, this month might be a little hectic. What better way is there to unwind and de-stress this month than to curl up with a good book that is still in the spirit of October 31st? Here is a list of six stories that range from paranormal to thriller to horror.


SCARY LEVEL: Hardly Horrifying

The Rook by Daniel O’Malley

Myfawny Thomas, the novel’s main character, has a lot on her plate. Not only is she a high level member of a secret government organization, known as the Checquy Group, which exists to protect England from supernatural danger, but thanks to a traitor in the Checquy, Myfawny wakes up one day in a park surrounded by dead people and no memory of who she is. She must work to uncover who betrayed her while keeping her amnesia a secret from the rest of the agency.

If you like the idea of a book that is a fusion between X-Men, Men in Black, and The Office, then The Rook is perfect for you! The action, humor, and paranormal elements are weaved together seamlessly and make for a great and more light-hearted Halloween read. 


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone: The Illustrated Edition by J.K. Rowling

Tears of joy have been shed over J.K. Rowling’s newest addition to the world of Harry Potter!

Now that it’s Halloween season and we have a full color illustrated version of The Sorcerer’s Stone, it’s the perfect time to dive back into the world of Hogwarts. Each of the seven books is set to get this treatment so go ahead and put Rowling on your to-be-read list over the next six years.


SCARY LEVEL: Somewhat Spooky

The Diviners by Libba Bray

As a result of an incident involving her supernatural abilities, Evie O’Neill has been sent away from her quaint and boring hometown in Ohio to live in New York City with her uncle in 1926. Evie then becomes entangled in an investigation involving a series of horrifying murders when she realizes that her gifts could help catch the killer. Bray’s brilliant descriptions of a gritty 1920s New York make the setting feel life-like. Suspense, gore, and plot twists await any reader who loves horror.


We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

We Were Liars is a much more enjoyable to read when you have no clue what the plot is about. If you want a story that is shrouded in mystery, is unlike anything else you’ve read in the past, and makes you think about what happened even after you turn the last page, then give this book a try.


SCARY LEVEL: Truly Terrifiying

The Sandman Comics by Neil Gaiman

The Sandman is a ten-volume comic book collection centered around a character named Dream, who escapes from captivity after being trapped for 70 years. Once he is free, however, he must reclaim his power. The Sandman series is a classic within the world of comics. It features some meaningful prose and a complex mythology.


The Shining by Stephen King

No Halloween themed reading list is complete without mention of Stephen King! In this novel, Jack Torrance, a writer and recovering alcoholic, becomes caretaker of a hotel with a deadly past. Jack’s five-year-old son, Danny, is psychic and can see ghosts that inhabit the hotel. Things go further downhill for the Torrance family when the hotel begins to possess Jack. For horror movie buffs, this book is a must read since The Shining was also adapted into a famous film. If this book doesn’t sound appealing, King has written tons of other iconic horror novels including Carrie and The Stand.


No matter what time of year you read these stories, they’re guaranteed to put you in the Halloween spirit! Hopefully these books can provide a reprieve from real life and take you on a thrilling ride.

Sarah is a Marketing and Technology & Innovation Management major from Brooklyn, NY. In her free time she enjoys reading lifestyle/fashion/beauty blogs and literature, trying to get her life together, watching Netflix, and spending an unhealthy amount of time on social media. 
Her Campus Drexel contributor.