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5 Ways To Keep Up Your Workout Routine as it Gets Cold Out

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

Finding the motivation to workout can sometimes be a challenge, but during the winter months it always seems like a challenge. When the weather is cold and it is dark out for more hours than it is sunny, all you wanna do is curl up on the couch in sweats, order grub-hub and binge watch Netflix. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this activity but it is good to not fall out of your workout routine. Keeping up with exercise during the winter will make you feel better; it will improve your mood and prevent that “sluggish” feeling you get during the winter months. Here are a few ways to keep up your workout routine this winter:

Image C​ourtesy of Best Health

1. Make a plan

This seems simple but it is the most important part of maintaining a good workout routine. Scheduling a certain amount of time to exercise is crucial, especially when you are lacking the motivation. Write it down in your planner or set a reminder on your phone. When you get your workout done, physically check it off on your calendar or make note of it in your phone. This is satisfying and will give you motivation to keep up with your routine. It also helps to plan to meet a friend to workout. Pick a friend who you know won’t flake or opt out of working out. Having another person hold you accountable for working out is so helpful! Not to mention it is easier to workout with a friend. Making a workout goal with a friend or significant other also works if your schedule doesn’t match up with theirs. Promise each other to get some sweat time in. Text each other for motivation and hold each other accountable!


2. Make it short

A short workout is always better than no workout. If you had a hard day, are short on time or the weather is horrible there is nothing wrong with shortening your workout to make it more do-able. 5-10 minutes of intense cardio to get your heart rate up followed by some core work, weights or simple leg exercises is a great short workout that you can do in at home or the gym.

3. Increase the workouts you enjoy doing

Another way of saying this, is do the workouts you know you will do! Achieving workout goals and pushing yourself is great but sometimes just getting to the gym is an achievement in itself. When its cold outside pick workouts you know you enjoy, this will help you get to the gym and more importantly not hate your life while you’re there. If this means you push off some of the more challenging workouts or boring ones more often, this is okay. You can pick those up when you have more time or are more motivated. Sometimes you gotta cut yourself a break and just focus on getting something in rather than nothing.

4. Try something new

This is always a great way to motivate yourself to workout. Try a group exercise or do something new with a friend. These workouts can be fun and will be something you look forward to. If you are getting sick of your normal workout routine this is also really helpful!


5. Reward yourself post-exercise

Giving yourself a small reward for getting to the gym or working out when you don’t want to will help you maintain a routine. Exercise rewards don’t always have to be the stereotypical “unhealthy” treat that people usually think. A reward can be anything you want. Maybe its an extra 30 minutes of Netflix, a quick mani/pedi or sleeping in a bit longer on the weekends after a hard week of workouts. Whatever it is if it gets you to keep working out then do it. There is nothing wrong with rewarding yourself. You can even reward yourself with a rest day!

Born and raised in the city of Philadelphia. Currently a nursing student at Drexel University. When not writing for HerCampus or studying loves to run, read and draw.
Her Campus Drexel contributor.