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29 Things No One Told You About College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

College is the best four years of your life, they said. It’ll be lots of fun, they said. What they forgot to tell you is that you’re broke, tired, and stressed a majority of the time. Take it from us, the real life college students. We won’t beat around the bush: here are 29 things that no one told you about college life, especially at Drexel.

1. It’s okay to leave your dorm hall to make friends.

Cool people do exist outside of Kelly Hall.


2. You and your roommate may not end up as BFFs.

Random selection doesn’t always lead to a serendipitous friendship.


3. She might also “borrow” your outfits without your permission.

And do other weird stuff like use the mirror on your side of the room for no apparent reason.


4. Your roommate will sexile you.

You should leave your dorm to make friends, but also have a place to escape to on your floor in case you get kicked out.


5. It’s okay to feel homesick.

You’re not too old to want your mom.


6. If you’re partying on Powelton, prepare to be home around 12:30 a.m.

When the clock strikes 12, here come the yellow puffer jackets and the Drexel Police.


7. College parties aren’t always all they’re hyped to be.

Welcome to Drexel, where they pack you into a house on Powelton like sardines and convince you you’re having a good time.


8. Swallow your pride, Penn parties are always better.

Just be thankful we basically share a campus.


9. If you kiss that random guy at the party, you risk getting sick.

Mono, strep, you name it! Don’t forget you’re living in a petri dish.


10. There will be remnants of vomit in the communal bathrooms at least once during the year.

Just hope they were considerate enough to do it in the toilet and not the sink.


11. Cockroaches and other disgusting insects may also be rooming with you.

Ah, welcome to college.


12. You still need to shower.

And brush your teeth … Dry shampoo and mint gum isn’t going to cut it.


13. You really do need to learn how to do laundry.

Please don’t wear that shirt again, it smells like halal food.


14. Ten minute naps never last only ten minutes.

“I swear, I only shut my eyes for a minute!”


15. Binge watching Netflix is not always a good idea.

No, you really shouldn’t re-watch the entire Friends series for the fifth time.


16. The Hans sucks.

Unless there are yellow folders around, always follow the yellow folders.


17. You will gain the freshman fifteen.

Don’t act surprised. You do eat Ramen for dinner and ice cream at 1 a.m., what did you expect?


18. Not a coffee drinker? You are now.

Even if caffeine makes you crazy, you will succumb to the bitter drink at least once to pull an all nighter.


19. There are people who actually give freshmen the wrong directions on purpose.

No, there isn’t a sixth floor in Main Building.


20. It’s more socially acceptable to wear sweatpants and no makeup than to dress up everyday for class.

Hey, girl with the perfect hair, why are you trying? I know you’re hungover from Thirsty Thursday and there’s a layer of concealer covering your bags.


21. Your professors don’t actually know who you are unless you talk.

Say hi to them. It may be the difference between failing the class and receiving an extra credit assignment.


22. You’re not going to get a 4.0 every quarter.

Put the book down and go eat dinner with your friends, you’ve been studying for five hours straight.


23. You’re probably going to fail once over the next four years.

Pop quizzes do exist and cramming doesn’t work, but one F isn’t the end of the world


24. Syllabus Week doesn’t exist.

Quarter system. Enough said.


25. The library isn’t always the best place to study.

Looking for a quiet place? Ha, keep looking.


26. You will suffer a mental breakdown at least once this term.

Two tests, three projects, and a paper all in one week?! Yup, take it in.


27. School spirit isn’t a thing at Drexel.

Oh, you dreamt of painting your face blue and gold for game day? Try not having a single team worth cheering for.


28. Everything is overpriced.

Tuition, books, room and board—yea, you’re paying a fee for breathing the air here.


29. These will be the best years of your life.

Okay, okay. People have told you this before, but it’s true. You will find your classes, you will make friends, and you will finish that 10-page paper. So, don’t be afraid to take a study break and get your money’s worth out of college. You’re only here for four (or five) years after all.


There you have it: the ugly truth. What are some things you were surprised to find out about #collegelife? Let us know on Twitter (@HerCampusDrexel)!

Ariana is a senior communications major and a writer for Her Campus at Drexel University. She loves to learn about pop culture, sex and gender, and is currently working on her senior project researching communication about sexual health on campus. Her go-to binge-worthy shows are Friends and Sex and the City.
Her Campus Drexel contributor.