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The 28 Best Travel Tips for Every Collegiette

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

Whether you’ve only seen Up in the Air with George Clooney and Anna Kendrick or are nearing Elite status, you are well aware of the headaches and annoyances caused by air travel. Finals week is hard enough, so we’ve compiled our top tips for air travel that you can use for the holidays, spring break, or any trip in between! These tips have been vetted by some of HC Drexel’s most frequent fliers so please, lock your tray tables, place your seats in their upright positions, and enjoy the article. 


Book Smart

1. Book early.

2. Know your travel plans, deadlines, and flexibility before booking so you aren’t overwhelmed by the variety of itinerary changes displayed when you’re looking for flights.

3. Be open minded and budget friendly (shifting travel plans a day or so, taking a layover, etc).

4. Choose layover airports carefully. Heading through Chicago’s O’Hare airport during winter break may be the cheapest, but it might also result in weather delays and stressful phone calls with Customer Service to reach your destination.

5. Find a seat on the flight that suits your needs. Have to use the bathroom a lot? Get an aisle seat. Want to sleep the whole way? Grab a window seat. Figure out what way you like to lean when you sleep and choose accordingly!


Learn About Rewards Programs

6. Frequent fliers rewards: Most airlines have a rewards program for frequent fliers, which can help you earn bonus miles on your flights. Sign up for these as soon as you book your flight.

7. Investigate airline credit cards: If you know how to use a credit card responsibly and travel often (2 or more times per quarter), airline credit cards can be extremely beneficial. The perks can include early boarding, bonus miles, cashback, expedited security checks, and in-flight upgrades (just to name a few).

8. See if your airline partners with other airlines for transferable miles. If you’re flying Horizon air or another small airline, add your American or Delta Frequent Flyer number instead of creating a new account. This will help your miles add up faster!


Prepare for the Worst

9.  Familiarize yourself with other flight options in case your flight gets delayed or cancelled. Telling the agent exactly what flight you want saves you time and effort when having to rebook.

10. Pack a change of clothes in your carryon. Even if it’s just a new shirt and leggings, you’ll be happy to have them if you’re stuck somewhere overnight.

11. Take a deep breath if things don’t go according to plan. It can always be worse.


Packing Principles

12. Less is more: Pack a few multi-functional outfit staples that are easy to coordinate instead of stuffing your entire wardrobe into your suitcase. It saves you the headache of keeping track of too many bags at the airport and fees for extra/overweight luggage. 

13. Pack dryer sheets with your clothes to keep them smelling fresh.

14. Don’t forget a laundry bag.

15. Pack liquid beauty products in ziploc bags—they always spill when you least expect it.


Early is on-time, and on-time is late.

16. Know how you’re getting to and from the airport. Sometimes forking over the $25 for a cab ride is worth not having to thumb through your list of contacts to bum a ride.

17. If you do take public transportation, call for a Public Safety escort if it’s early in the morning or late at night. 

18. Aim to arrive at the airport two hours before the gate closes. This information can be found on your ticket, but the gate usually closes 10 to 30 minutes prior to departure. (This number may be higher for international flights.)

19. Wake up at least 30 minutes before the time you think it’ll take you to get read—travel days are always chaotic and something will be missing/wrong/etc.


Keep Making Healthy Choices

20. Carry-on essentials: Don’t forget Airborne, mini hand sanitzer, tissues, healthy snacks, and earplugs (babies travel over the holidays too).

21. Make smart airport purchases: It’s tempting to stress eat and grab greasy food from the airport terminal, but that’ll make you feel bloated and even grosser than traveling already does. Instead aim for balanced meals with proteins that are grilled instead of fried and made with fresh ingredients i.e., grilled chicken club sandwich.

22. Match your coffee intake with water intake—air travel dehydrates your skin and body, caffeine compounds this!

23. Plan your outfit to your itinerary: If you have a long layover, wear comfy clothes that will allow you to stretch and do a little bit of yoga in the gate when you have a free hour before boarding your next plane. You’ll feel fresh and rejuvenated, and you’ll most likely avoid the muscle soreness that comes with sitting for hours on end.


On the Plane

24. Walk around to keep circulation flowing. Bloated ankles look cute on no one.

25. Stay hydrated!

26. Relax! You’re out of school and no one can contact you at the moment, so enjoy the peace and quiet.

27. Pack gum to pop your ears after takeoff.


Destination R&R: You’ve made it!

28. Go for a run, take a hot bath, sit in a warm blanket with a drink and read. Whatever helps you relax! Set aside some “me time” to recovering from the stress of traveling.

And there you have it, Dragons! With these tips from our staff, you’ll be free to focus on your Favorite Things this holiday season. Because let’s face it, “Layovers, late flights and oh-no I missed it!” simply doesn’t have the same ring as “Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens”. Happy holidays!


Image sources: 1

Jenna Adrian is a student at Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA. She studies Design & Merchandising. She's currently paving the way to create a career that will unite her passion for both style and government policy reform. In her free time, she enjoys reading, writing, running, and learning the in's and out's of city culture. You can find her at a coffee shop, a networking event, or brainstorming for her latest article. Check out her thoughts on coffee, fashion, and life in the city on her personal blog, & some like it haute. 
Lindsey is a senior at Drexel University, majoring in operations management & bus. analytics. She has been with Her Campus Drexel for four years and was CC for the middle two. Along with living the city life, she takes an active interest in street style, putting together puzzles and binge-watching her current Netflix obsession. She actually calls Montana her true home so now you can say you know that someone actually lives there ;). When she's in Philly, you can find her in Center City scouring the racks of thrift stores, Old Navy, and H&M if she's not on campus enjoying the multiple food trucks or catching up on the readings she put off until the last day.