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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

Now that the Grammys and Oscars have passed, we can focus on the highlight of the awards show season – The Drexel Awards! The people and places that are the recipients of this high achievement represent some of the things that stand out about our university. We promise not to pull a Steve Harvey during the ceremony.  


Most Likely to Make Your Relatives Confused: The School Calendar

It’s not a family get-together until you’ve had to explain to your relatives that you don’t have a summer vacation or six month long courses. Hopefully by your pre-junior year it’ll start to make sense to them. Unless of course, they’ve forgotten what a “pre-junior” actually is.


Most Addicting: The LeBow Starbucks and all the Philly food trucks

No matter how slow the service can be, we can’t help but visit the LeBow Starbucks as often as our wallets and dining dollars will allow. Drexel students are so busy that we need to have a constant and conveniently located supply of caffeine and food at our disposal. Visiting the food trucks on campus is a right of passage for Drexel students and one of the perks of going to school in Philadelphia. 


Best Staircase: The one in PISB

Drexel seems to have a strange obsession with weird staircases. Although the ones in LeBow Hall and Main Building are pretty impressive, Papadakis’ staircase, which resembles a DNA double helix, is the winner of this award. 


Worst Place to Buy Textbooks: The school bookstore

Do your bank account a favor and avoid buying textbooks from the school bookstore at all costs. Websites like Chegg and Amazon are a broke college student’s best friend.


Most Puzzling Construction Project: The Study Hotel

At the corner of 33rd and Chestnut streets lies The Study at University City, a 212 room hotel that will feature a fitness center, a restaurant, and other amenities. What’s puzzling about this building is the fact that Drexel is allowing Hospitality 3, a hotel development company, to build a hotel rather than building something that directly benefits its students. Many of us know the struggle of trying to find a study space in Hagerty during finals week so it’s disappointing that no actual studying will be done in The Study Hotel.


Best Supporting Professor: Jodi Cataline

We might be bit biased since she is our student organization advisor, but business professor Jodi Cataline wins this one hands down. Not only is she hilarious, but she also knows how to make the class material more interesting. If you’re a LeBow student, you need to have at least one class with her during your college career.


The Loneliest Month: September

If you have a break but all of your childhood friends have already gone back to school, it’s probably September! Expect to either be traveling to other college campuses to visit people or chilling at home with your Netflix account.


Most Likely to Find Yourself There at Midnight: Northside Dining Terrace

The convenience of having food so close to your dorm building makes Northside the go-to place for grabbing a midnight snack.


Worst Former Mascot Name: The Drexel Engineers

Before we became known as the Drexel Dragons, we were the Drexel Engineers. That’s not even a little bit intimidating. Next time you walk by the Mario Statue take a moment to appreciate him for his ferocity.


Best Building to Give a Nickname to: The Hagerty Library

Whether it’s called Club Hags or the Hag, the Hagerty Library is hated and loved by Drexel students. It can get crowded during certain times of the day but we can’t help but want to study there. Now excuse us while we go and prepare for our week three midterms.


Congratulations to the award winners! Tune in next year to see who will take home the esteemed and highly coveted Drexel Awards.

Sarah is a Marketing and Technology & Innovation Management major from Brooklyn, NY. In her free time she enjoys reading lifestyle/fashion/beauty blogs and literature, trying to get her life together, watching Netflix, and spending an unhealthy amount of time on social media. 
Her Campus Drexel contributor.