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15 Times Jake Peralta Totally Understood Life As a Drexel Freshman

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Drexel chapter.

Welcome to campus, baby dragons! Oh, surprised we pegged you as a freshman within a millisecond? We hate to break it to you but it really isn’t that hard. Once you’ve familiarized yourself with campus and know what direction to turn in Main Building to get to Curtis or Randell Hall… you’ll be able to look back and understand how we spotted you so quickly. Here are 15 telltale signs you’re a freshman as told by the always adorable Jake Peralta.

1. You’ve got a lanyard around your neck accessorised nicely with your dorm key and student ID.

Trust me, the jingling of metal acts like a “Look At the Freshman” sign. So, just take the extra 15 seconds required to fish your key out from the bottom of your bag instead of walking around looking like a total noob.

2. You travel in packs of three.

Or four or five or six or 200. Please stop taking up the whole sidewalk while people literally have to walk in the street to avoid you.

3. You bring your textbooks to class even if it’s not required.

If you have more than your laptop and a few notebooks in your backpack, you’re doing it wrong and in a very obvious way.

4. You eat at the Hans (no shame).

While the super delicious Hans is enticing because everything is already made for you, start looking for some easy do-in-your-dorm recipes for when you move out next year or when winter hits and you really, really don’t want to trek down to the dining hall.  

5. You haven’t gotten sick of Northside Dining Terrace yet.

With a variety of sandwiches, burrito bowls, and dipping sauces at your mercy, you’re probably thinking that you’ll never get bored. You’re wrong. That’s when you need to learn about the multiple food options in the mystical area known as “Off Campus” (See #10,11, & 12).

6. You think Public Safety will actually get you in trouble.

Honestly, that one line really sums it up. If you’re not acting like a complete idiot and can carry yourself and your friend back to your dorm, you’ll be fine. TBH they’re probably just wondering when they can head over to Axis Pizza for some late night grub.

7. You’re scared by the “Social Life, Good Grades, Sleep: Pick 2” Graphic.

IT IS NOT LIKE THAT AT ALL. Skip the drama of getting a 4.0 and enjoy getting to know people around your dorm before everyone settles into friend groups. If you don’t, you’ll find yourself alone in the library every Saturday night knowing more about the security desk worker than your roommate.

8. You’re on the bookstore security camera picking up all of the books you pre-ordered due to multiple aggressive emails from Barnes & Noble.

Wait a bit to buy your books, like after you’ve gone to the class and spoke with the professor. In fact, they might be able to help you find other cheaper options that don’t involve the bookstore and a tear stained credit card statement. 

9. You waste your Dining Dollars on overpriced Northside Market cereal and popcorn.

Reese’s Puffs for $6.99? That is not a bargain. If you need food, walk the extra block and a half to 7-Eleven or dare to hike all the way to Fresh Grocer at 40th and Walnut.

10. You have a hard time believing there are better pizza places around campus that aren’t called Drexel Pizza.

If it has the school’s name it has to be good, right? Wrong. Try the Buff Chick from Ed’s or Savas’ white pizza and let your mind be blown.

11. You don’t like leaving the ¼ mile radius of campus to get food.

So you’ve ventured to PWS for a late night snack, way to go! Now head down to 38th and Chestnut streets for some Indian food or 40th and Chestnut streets for a sushi burrito.

12. Your best friend is your roommate purely for convenience.

Sure it’s great to be on friendly terms with your roommate, but there is no reason they have to be your best friend for life! Save that title for a person who’s practically your soulmate and long lost spirit animal.

13. You haven’t gathered up the courage to try any of the food trucks on campus.

It may look intimidating but remember, you’re the customer and everyone on that truck wants your business. There’s even a truck that’ll give you a sandwich if you want to keep it simple and impossible to mess up. 

14. You have to empty your Drexel email everyday because you signed up for every possible club email list.

Every club may sound exciting and hey, free friends! But if you’re really not interested in the purpose of the club, ask to be taken off the email list so you can save room in your tiny Drexel inbox for important emails from professors and Amazon Student.

15. You’re excited and a little scared about what adventures await you during your next 3/4/5 years on campus.

Yes it’s really scary but don’t worry, Her Campus Drexel is here to guide you on your way until your baby dragon wings are strong enough to carry you into sucess.




Lindsey is a senior at Drexel University, majoring in operations management & bus. analytics. She has been with Her Campus Drexel for four years and was CC for the middle two. Along with living the city life, she takes an active interest in street style, putting together puzzles and binge-watching her current Netflix obsession. She actually calls Montana her true home so now you can say you know that someone actually lives there ;). When she's in Philly, you can find her in Center City scouring the racks of thrift stores, Old Navy, and H&M if she's not on campus enjoying the multiple food trucks or catching up on the readings she put off until the last day.