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Meet the Newest Addition to CGSE, Marissa Mitchell!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Dickinson chapter.

Even though Marissa Mitchell has only worked at Dickinson for a little over a month, she plans to make a big impact here at the college, Whether she helps you to fulfill your dream of studying abroad or takes the time to sit down with you and share a laugh, Marissa is sure to become a familiar face to Dickinsonians. The newest staff member in the Center for Global Study and Education (CGSE) sat down with HC to tell us more about herself!

Name: Marissa Mitchell

Job Title: Study Abroad Coordinator/Advisor

Hometown: Fort Collins, Colorado

College: University of Evansville, Indiana

Major: International Studies, Political Science and Spanish

HC: Welcome to Dickinson! Can you tell me about your job on campus?

MM: Thank you! I am the coordinator and study abroad advisor for many Dickinson programs including Cameroon, China, Germany, Spain, and more. I advise students on the study abroad process and help them find the program that best suits them based on their goals and  major requirements.

HC: What is something most people don’t know about you?

MM: I have two webbed toes on both of my feet!

HC: So far, what do you love most about Dickinson?

MM: Even though I have only been here a month, I love the community. Everyone is so welcoming and inclusive; I’m already starting to feel at home.

HC: What do you hope to accomplish this year?

MM: Well, I hope to become a doggie parent soon! I also hope to fully immerse myself into both the Carlisle and Dickinson communities. I want to continue to foster an open environment where students can come and get guidance and support for studying abroad and returning from abroad.

HC: Do you have a favorite fall activity?

MM: I love hot apple cider! This fall I hope to go apple picking.

HC: Did you study abroad in college?

MM: Yes! I was all over the place! I spent a semester in the UK, I did a summer language program in Granada, Spain, I did a summer research program in South Korea and an internship in China. I guess you could say that I love studying abroad and I hope to help as many students as I can spend time overseas.

HC: Where is on place that you have never been and are dying to go to?

MM: That’s a tough one. My top five places include Iceland, Brazil, Denmark, Costa Rica and Australia; although, I have to say that Costa Rica is currently on the top of that list.

HC: Do you have any advice for students looking to study abroad?

MM: Keep an open mind and start early! There are so many more opportunities for you when you give yourself time to look at all of them! Furthermore, look at the experience that you could potentially be gaining. Don’t pick a location based solely on where your friends are going and don’t pick a single semester solely because you [are afraid of missing out at Dickinson]. Think about your academic, cultural, personal and career goals and search for a program that will embody what you are looking for and will help you achieve those goals. If you have any questions, come in and talk to us!


If you have dreams of traveling, experiencing new cultures and making friends around the world, there is no better time than right now during your college years to do that! If you’re interested in studying abroad, be sure to head into the Office of Global Studies and pay Marissa a visit.

Janna is an Sociology major with a love for sunshine, traveling, baking, music, coffee, and writing.
Alexandra (Alex) is a Senior classics and religion double major and Campus Correspondent at Dickinson College. On campus, Alex is a first-year mentor, plays club sports, and is an active member of Kappa Alpha Theta. In her spare time, Alex is a self-confessed Food Network junkie and shopaholic. After graduation, she would love to work at a magazine or a PR agency. You can find her on instagram and twitter at @astagsss.