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The Unspoken Truth About Sexual Harassment

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DESU chapter.

In today’s society most people believe that sexual harassment only involves sex, but this is not the case. Lewd comments, cat calls in the workplace, and inappropriate touching are all considered sexual harassment and statistics show that this issue has not gotten any better for women.

New surveys found that one in three women between the ages 18 and 34 have been sexually harassed at work. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature are all now very common for woman.

With powerful men such as Donald Trump positively publicizing sexual harassment, the issue has been made into more of a joke. The inappropriate sexual comments made by Donald Trump were justified by saying that he has power and men of this stature are able to do these things without consequences. Sexual harassment has not gone away and has only been promoted by Donald Trump and those that have chosen to support the candidate.

The subject of sexual harassment can only be solved by addressing the issue. People are looking away from the issue due to the very powerful and wealthy men involved, but we must find a way to make the lives of the victims more important than the public image of the offenders.

Has sexual harassment been completely taken out of context and downplayed in today’s generation?

A Mass Communications major looking to obtain an internship or employment using my communication and writing expertise towards opportunities in journalism, editing, and writing
Raised in Queens, with a major in Mass Communication and a love for writing. Graduating in 2018 in hopes of working in Television production. I love reading novels, blogs and magazine articles. I'm completed addicted to TV Shows and my ultimate goal is to always have fun.