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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DESU chapter.

Thank U, Vote!



Ariana Grande recently kicked off her “Sweetener” World Tour this past Monday in Albany, New York; however, this time around she did something a bit different. Monday night’s concert-goers posted photos and videos of voting registration booths throughout the arena on social media. Soon after Grande announced that she recently partnered with HeadCount to allow concertgoers to register to vote at all concerts of the tour. HeadCount works with music artists to set up voter registration booths at concerts. Those who registered received cute stickers with the hashtag #thankunextgen. Grande’s fans who can’t attend any of her shows still can participate by texting ARIANA, or 40649, to “register to vote, get election alerts, contact your legislators about issues you care about or get a reminder to register to vote at your 18th bday,” HeadCount wrote in a tweet. Cheers to Grande for taking initiative to get young people involved!

Just a girl from the Garden State currently attending Delaware State University studying mass communications. Lover of acting, writing, music, food, sports, coffee, and good vibes.
Born and raised in sunny California but am currently attending DESU. Studying mass communications & theatre. Hopefully you'll see me on TV some day but for now, you can read some of my articles!