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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DESU chapter.

Over the last couple of months people have been giving my compliments on my skin. I thought this would be a great moment to say what I use on my skin. My routine consists of 4 products.


African Black soap (Dudu- Osun).

Any kind of apricot face scrub.


Honey Manuka eye cream

Cetaphil or Equate (Gentle skin Cream)


Depending on how I feel in the morning I will either wash my face in the shower or wash it at the sink. I will use my spin brush or just my hands. I will do the same thing with the face scrub. Once I am done washing my face, I will pat my face dry. Then, I use a cotton pad with the toner. Some people do not like using witch hazel because it dries out their skin, but since I use moisturizer after it does not affect me. Once this step is done, I use an eye cream under my eyes then finish off with the gentle skin cream.


I found a routine like this online, but I swapped out products that I knew worked well for me already. Also, when one product finishes, I would go back and forth between name band and off brand and there was no difference.

Hi, my name is Jamila Seidu and I am currently a student at Delaware State University and I am a kinesiology major. I love everything art and I'm not afraid to try something new, so here I am. I hope you enjoy.
Hi everyone, I am from the Lonestar state, go cowboys!  I lived in several places including some countries which I love writing about, along with writing about lifestyle.  I am majoring in Mass Communications with a with a minor in history!