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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DESU chapter.

So as a senior there’s a great deal of external and internal pressure about life after graduation. Whether it’s you finding a decent job, applying to graduate school or deciding what you want to do with your life. In my opinion it’s honestly pretty stressful! Sometimes we have this idea that the timeline in our heads has to take place and honestly that timeline might not happen and that’s ok! It may take time to get to that dream job and you most likely will have to start at the bottom and work your way up. I think it’s important for grads to realize it’s ok if the plan for your future does not have to be in a certain timeframe, it may take years after graduation to get to where you want to be in life but as long as you keep working hard to achieve your goals it’s ok!  

Hi everyone, I am from the Lonestar state, go cowboys!  I lived in several places including some countries which I love writing about, along with writing about lifestyle.  I am majoring in Mass Communications with a with a minor in history!