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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DESU chapter.

Is He Worth It?

Do you have a significant other or some guy you talk to that you really like, but somehow can never act right? Yup girl we’ve all been there. As young women, we always want to find that “Mr. Prince Charming” but in college, it’s more than likely not happening. Some girls meet a guy think he’s a great guy (in the beginning) but once he really warms up, we start seeing the real side, unfortunately. In the beginning, guys try their hardest to impress you by, taking you out, hanging out with you, even bringing you food. Once the relationship starts all these things start to occur less and less. Why is this? The only logical reasoning I have is …. Boys are dumb.

Boys reel you in once they “claim” you, they feel as though they do not need to try as hard anymore….stupid. How hard is it to buy your significant other flowers once in a while?! We as young ladies do not really care about the flowers it’s the thought behind the flowers. Girls I know you’ve been in a situation where you and your boy had plans to go out, and all of a sudden something popped up so he can no longer go and this cancellation of plans starts to occur more and more. First, let’s make one thing clear, boys will never act exactly how you want them to. Secondly, I would suggest to talk to him about it and see if anything changes. If no changes occur it’s now time to ask yourself “Is he worth it?” “Do I continually want to be disappointed?”

Many of us girls are with guys that we feel are our “Mr. Prince Charming” and no one else out there are for us. In reality, we are still so very juvenile that it’s hard for us to comprehend that there are indeed other fishes out there in the sea. We feel as though we might be in love and no one else can compare.So if you are continually disappointed or frustrated by your significant other ask yourself “Is he worth it?”


Born and raised in sunny California but am currently attending DESU. Studying mass communications & theatre. Hopefully you'll see me on TV some day but for now, you can read some of my articles!