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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DESU chapter.

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and I am ready! My past Thanksgivings have been watching football, hanging out with my family, wearing comfortable clothes, and getting stuffed! We cook a variety of foods from green bean casserole and turkey to an assortment of vegetables and cranberries.  Although this year is different, it’s the first year I will be spending the holidays eating gluten-free.

When I was asked about food ideas, due to being gluten-free, I could only think about three foods; mashed potatoes, stuffing, pumpkin pie.  As it easy it seems, gluten is in everything, therefore I decided that the only thing I really want is pumpkin pie.  I love pie, but apple pie involves too much crust and it’s not easy finding or making a gluten-free crust.  So we decided to attempt crustless pumpkin pie this year.  I am so excited, but it also makes me nervous.  I have my good and bad days when testing out food, because I love food so much and it’s extremely hard when you are limited on what you can eat. I will still be able to have mashed potatoes, we will just make it with a little butter and potato. Then I will not be having stuffing this year, unless we can find a recipe that does not involve bread crumbs, croutons, or anything with wheat.  I did find a boxed recipe on Amazon, but I like to try natural foods and its the one day of homemade cooking. Which as college students, is one of our favorite things that we take for granted while being away from home.

I can not wait to try out crustless pumpkin pie! If it turns out to be good then I am going to share it with everyone, so others who are gluten-free do not run into this problem. Hopefully in the upcoming Thanksgivings, whether I am the one cooking for others and myself, I will be able to find more gluten-free recipes to share with others and not be limited to eating just vegetables and plain turkey.

Hi everyone, I am from the Lonestar state, go cowboys!  I lived in several places including some countries which I love writing about, along with writing about lifestyle.  I am majoring in Mass Communications with a with a minor in history!