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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DESU chapter.


            Everywhere you go you seem to see all these Instagram models, or everyday people becoming famous off of silly or simple things. My question then becomes, how on God’s green earth can I get from here to where they’re at? I don’t understand how 15 year olds become rich and famous while I’m struggling to even buy a cup of noodles. Anytime you open up Instagram or Facebook there is a new meme going, picture, video, or person become viral from a simple catch phrase or doing something stupid. Then in a blink of an eye they are the ones become million and billionaires. What people don’t seem to understand is, we are the ones who make these people famous because we encourage the idiocrasy by sharing liking and reposting. 

            You rarely see people who are hardworking all over social media doing something for the good of humanity. It’s always the “Catch me outside”, or the Logan Paul’s of the world who seem to be getting the light and attention of the world. Everyday fame has become something of a joke, especially for many influencers, to obtain and exploit for their own benefit and bank accounts.

            So back to my question. How I do get from here to there? Who gotta “Catch Me Outside”? or where is my stupid embarrassing video to go viral and put me on the Ellen show?

Born and raised in sunny California but am currently attending DESU. Studying mass communications & theatre. Hopefully you'll see me on TV some day but for now, you can read some of my articles!