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women fists raised in air
women fists raised in air
Original Illustration by Gina Escandon for Her Campus Media


This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DESU chapter.
Founder of The International Council for women

Became the first women to be printed on the dollar coin in 1979

One of the main leaders of the women’s suffrage movement

Assisted in the creation of the Women’s National Loyal League

Advocated and succeeded in the altering of the Fourteenth Amendment to include women’s and African American suffrage

I am Kaitlin Robinson a Chemistry major from Washington,DC. I’m fairly new to writing but I hope you enjoy my articles.
Hi everyone, I am from the Lonestar state, go cowboys!  I lived in several places including some countries which I love writing about, along with writing about lifestyle.  I am majoring in Mass Communications with a with a minor in history!