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Valentine’s Day Cuties: Matthew Gleason and Alex Alfonso

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

In honor of Valentine’s Day we interviewed two very handsome single bachelors. Both of them are on the swim team and headed to the NCAC Championships! They will not be available for any dates on February 14th but will definitely be looking to celebrate after!

Senior Matthew Gleason is our first cutie we caught up with.

HerCampus: Matthew how do you feel about Valentine’s Day?

Matthew Gleason: I am a fan, but rarely do I get to exercise that fandom because February 14th is always towards the end of swim season and I usually am to caught up in that to make the day as special as it should be.

HC: So I’m assuming then that you don’t have any special plans for that night?

MG: I’ll hopefully be swimming in the finals for the 100-breast stroke that night.

HC: That’s exciting! Congratulations!  But tell me, if you could plan something special what would it be?

MG: If I weren’t going to be swimming, then the date that I would plan would be special, but nothing over the top. I would start by picking my date up in my classic Buick Rendezvous because no one wants the date to walk in 15-degree weather. From there we would go to Monical’s Pizza, where I would have prearranged for whatever pizza we order to come out in the shape of a heart. Then, depending on her dessert preferences we would either stay at Monical’s for their Cookie Monster Sundae, head across the parking lot to DQ, or if she is caffeinatedly inclined we could head to Starbucks. When dessert is finished, take her for a romantic view of the nature park before returning her to her residence.

HC: That sounds lovely. How can a single lady when your heart so she can then have the opportunity to go on this date with you?

MG: Talk to me.

HC: Easy enough!

MG: No really! I have noticed that girls tend to travel in packs, and it is a lot more intimidating to talk to one girl when three or four others surround her.

HC: Huh, I never really thought of that before. What is your favorite part about a girl?

MG: Physically, her smile. Personality wise, she has to know how to stand out in a room.

HC: And who is your campus crush?

MG: I have a few, but I don’t know them on a personal level, so for now they will stay crushes.


Next up we have Alex Alfonso, a junior here at DePauw.

HerCampus: Tell me Alex, what does Valentine’s Day mean to you?

Alex Alfonso: Well, Valentine’s Day doesn’t hold any real significance for me, but red is my favorite color so it is nice getting to see it everywhere.

HC: That is an interesting upside. Do you have any special plans for the 14th?

AA: Boy, do I ever! I will be swimming my heart out at the NCAC Swimming Championship at Denison University.

HC: Congratulations! That is truly an accomplishment and I can’t wait to hear how it goes!

AA: Thank you!

HC: Since you are unable to go out on an actual date that night, what would your idea for a perfect date be?

AA: If I had to plan an ideal Valentine’s date, it would definitely revolve around the cold. I would want to hike with my significant other to a secluded lodge where a fire and our body warmth are our only sources of heat. We would watch some cheesy 80s movie starring either Patrick Swayze or Whoopi Goldberg and cook some dank Ethiopian food.

HC: Sounds cozy. Have you ever gotten any really bad Valentine’s Day gifts?

AA: Someone once gave me milk chocolate…BIG MISTAKE. I only eat dark.

HC: That is a good piece of information to know. How can a single lady win your heart?

AA: By being aggressive. I am a sucker for any lady who goes out of her way to get to know me.

HC: And what would your favorite part of this lady be?

AA: Not sure if you are referring to a physical or personality trait…

HC: How about both?

AA: Physically, a girl’s eyes are usually the first thing I notice. Are they a lively green or a deep pondering cerulean? Does she avoid eye contact or does her gaze pierce straight into my soul? Personality wise I would have to say self-confidence. If a girl is really insecure about herself it can be really hard to get to know her.

HC: And is there a lucky lady that fits this description for you on campus…maybe a campus crush?

AA: Phoebe Erickson, for sure. I am a sucker for foreign languages and she freakin’ speaks Portuguese! Also she is incredibly genuine and fun to be around.