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Taylor Dennin ’19

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.
Second semester is official underway, and this first year DePauw Tiger is making the most of it.  Meet this biology loving future cosmetic denist, Taylor Dennin!
Her Campus: Hey Taylor, thank you for meeting with me. How is your college transition going for you so far?
Taylor Dennin: Well, this year has been pretty interesting to say the least. It has been a pretty easy adjustment from high school to college, mainly because the people are so friendly. 
HC: That’s great to hear. Do you have an idea on what you plan to studying?
TD: Definitely Biology. I want to be cosmetic dentist… one day.
HC: You have a lot of school ahead of you. But by the sound of it, you seem to have your future figured out. I hear you won Miss Old Gold for first years, how was that experience?
TD: Ha-ha thank you. Being nominated and crowed Miss Old Gold was such an unexpected honor. It also made me feel like DePauw is where I am meant to be.
HC: I can imagine that was a very exciting award. Was there a particular reason you chose DePauw?
TD: Because of the small campus and the awesome people here, duh. Also, professors seemed willing to help their students, where at a big school I was afraid I might not be granted that opportunity. 
HC: I can’t speak for the whole campus but, I can definitely relate to that. The professors here will do anything to help their students. So now that you have had a couple months to settle in to college, have you found a favorite place to study?
TD: Yes! I think it would have to be Julian. Everyone goes to the first floor with the goal to accomplish so much and in most cases, very little actually gets done. If I am truly planning to get things accomplished, I head up to the third floor.
HC: Interesting theory ha-ha. Setting aside the school aspect, what do you do on campus in your free time? 
TD: I like schedule play dates with my friends, and sometimes we visit parties. 
HC: Sounds like a good time! Where are you living this year?
TD: Longden 2, with this weird girl interviewing me (just kidding) lol.
HC: I hear Longden two is the best. Being right above the Den, do you have a go-to meal?
TD: I’m a sucker for the buffalo chicken wraps but, no tomatoes. Sometimes I like to switch it up with crispy or grilled chicken depending on how the day is going. 
HC: How does that food choice portray on your favorite food outside of The Den?
TD: Not an accurate representation. I like to be wined and dinned with the finest of the fine. 
HC: Well readers there you have it, make sure you say hi to this week’s campus cutie next time you catch her in Julian.
       Indiana born and raised. A caffeine-dependent life form. Chaco advocate. World traveler. Making history in the cat lady category. XOXO your future doctor.