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Quotes for the Mirror

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

My mom has a habit of sticking Post-It notes on random surfaces throughout the house. She scribbles quotes on them to share with the rest of the family in hopes of enlightening us. Some are from books, some are sayings my sisters and I grew up hearing, and some are simply words from a phone conversation she found inspiring.
One of the best places to stick quotes? The mirror. Sometimes they get in the way—which can be a good reminder in and of itself that there are more important things than the reflection. The strategic aspect of the mirror placement is that you will inevitably see the quotes every day. They will give your spirits a lift on the days you’re already soaring high. And, what I find especially helpful, they provide a pick-me-up on the days you are not terribly fond of the looking glass.

Here are two quotes to help keep a friendly attitude toward that beautiful woman in the mirror.
“Comparison is the thief of joy.”
We all do it. It’s instinct to compare. An outfit you loved suddenly hugs you in all the wrong places when you sit beside the thinnest girl in class. But remember ladies, making that comparison is a choice. We are all different—we’ve heard it from the time we were toddling around pre-school making crafts deemed “unique” by the teacher (children have a true knack for jealousy, wanting others’ toys!). Being different doesn’t make you better or worse than another girl. It makes you…you.
“If my aim is to prove I am ‘enough,’ the project goes on to infinity—because the battle was lost on the day I conceded the issue was debatable.”
It’s hard not to think some specific change will make you feel better. But the truth is, you’re beautiful in your most natural state—without a bit of make-up on. Even without going tanning during these dreary winter months. Even with a bit of a food baby because you ordered Marvin’s last week…3 times.
The bottom line is, we all know what we should think and do to feel our best. Sometimes we just need a reminder (or 2 or 3 or 4…) Feeling inspired? I hope so! Grab a pen and your Post-It’s. Time to start scribbling!

Grace is a Communications Major at DePauw University. She enjoys traveling, music, shopping, and being in the sun.