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The People You Meet on a Monday

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

Ah, Mondays. The first day of the school week, the day where the weekend ends and class calls. Mondays are usually a rude awakening to many DePauw students. No matter how early or late your class is, Mondays are a bitter pill to swallow. On the flip side, it can also be viewed as a fresh start, a blank canvas for the upcoming week. These past few Mondays, I have been paying special attention to the types of people I meet. Here’s the data I have collected:

1.     J.Crew Vests and Tailored Jeans

These are the girls that show up to my 9:10 in a cute outfit, looking perky, hair not in a ponytail or braid, and actively are participating in class. I don’t hate these girls; it’s mostly envy and dislike for making me feel unproductive with my life. But it is not just the cute outfit that I envy. I envy their drive and motivation to make Mondays a little better. Although I wish that it were in my nature to wake up early and work out before class, shower AND have time to drink my tea leisurely, it is not. Some Mondays, it does happen but for the most part, I lay in bed until 8:30… So cheers to you, you over achievers. You make me crave your healthy lifestyle and optimistic attitude but I don’t think that I will be a steady force in your ranks any time soon.

  2. Yoga Pants and Baseball Hats

Now these girls are more my speed. Mondays seem better in an outfit that more closely resembles pajamas than clothes.  I would like to think that in all of us, there is a part that tells us to just take it slow on a Monday. This voice tells us to relax and ease into the week. The yoga pants and baseball hat crew realize that sometimes in order to get work done, comfort is key. I would like to think that people don’t look at my outfits on Mondays and judge me. If they are, this outfit definitely sends the message of  “Yes, it’s a Monday. Let’s ignore my clothing choice. Thank you”.  

3.     The No Show

Sometimes Mondays just don’t happen; maybe you’re sick, maybe your bed won’t release you or maybe Netflix trumped school. Whatever the reason, there is always at least one no show every Monday.  

Hi I'm Colleen Whiting! Current sophomore at DePauw University, majoring in Political Science. I'm a lover of late night Marvins, football games, nature park walks, and instagrammed pictures of East College. I love HerCampus and writing about things that DePauw students (mainly girls) can relate too.
Rose Overbey

DePauw '20