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Peace, Love & the Little Things

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

After living at DePauw the past three years, I have come to realize that it’s the little things that get me through. From the homework to homesickness, small, insignificant things have made the biggest difference in my overall mood. I love DePauw but sometimes I need a pick me up and I have gathered up my list of little things that make all the difference.

Take a Walk

I know it is miserable weather at times, but the second the sun comes out, no matter the temperature; I bundle up and take a stroll through campus. Sometimes I go alone and sometimes I take a friend. Either way, we are lucky enough to go to this beautiful school we might as well enjoy all the pretty scenery it has to offer!

Eat Something Sweet

When I’m feeling less than perky, a little piece of chocolate will surely get me going. My fave are those little Dove chocolates with inspiring messages on the wrapper; it’s like a candy fortune cookie! Dessert is the best part of the meal anyways, so for a little while, forget being perfectly healthy and enjoy yourself!

Brew Some Tea

It has been so cold out, and nothing tastes better than a hot cup of tea. There are a million different flavors to choose from, but they all have a way of warming your soul. A little breakfast tea to wake you up and keep you warm on your way to class or a soothing mug of chamomile before bed; tea is a simple way to make even the yuckiest day better.

Read a Book

Take a break from the bio textbook. Lose yourself in a fantasy world for a while. While leaving campus is not always practical, a mental journey can be just what the doctor ordered. I just started rereading The Hunger Games, and let me tell you, I relish those precious hours I spend getting lost in Katniss’ world. Reading a book is the perfect mini-vacation from your stressful life as a student.

Take a Nap

When all else fails, get some zzz’s. Nothing helps you feel more refreshed than a little shuteye. Naps are a staple of a college kids life, so why not validate your daily nap as a way to recharge your batteries? Happy snoozing my friends.

If you are feeling down in the dumps or just a little dreary try some of these tips to turn that frown upside down. The littlest things can make the biggest difference and hey, life is too short to go through it unhappy!

Peace, Love, & Hannah at Her Campus