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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

Coming back to school can be a scary thought, especially when you’ve put down the books for a while. Do I even remember how to study? Hopefully. Though I have gotten much better over time, I am not the most organized person. Tracking my assignments and tasks can be a challenge (if I don’t write it down right away, it leaves my brain forever!). Here are two of my favorite ways to keep on top of all my tasks:

I cannot recommend this platform enough. My Study Life is the perfect online planner to keep track of your classes and assignments. I like to use both the website and the mobile app so I can use it on my phone and computer! Not only can you set up your schedule with times and holiday breaks, but you can add tasks (to classes or to other DIY subjects you make) and exams to keep yourself in the know. Tasks and exams will appear on the dashboard when they are a certain number of days out, so you can remember when something is coming up. AND, if you like tracking your work, you can mark what percentage of an assignment you have done (sometimes that 5% shift is the pat on the back you need). You can also add details that show up when you click on your task. And if you’re worried about forgetting where your class is, you can add info about your building, room number, and professor. I do not go a single day without using this platform–go check it out!!

Another small, but important tool I use is called Momentum. Once I added it to Microsoft Edge, I felt like I took a breath of fresh air. Every time I open a new tab, I can see a beautiful, aesthetic picture with the time and a to-do list that I’ve created. I love that it asks you to pick a main task to focus on and also has a smaller list to use on the righthand side. You can also mess around with putting tasks in the Inbox, so you can add them to the “Today” list later on. It’s a very simple tool, but it makes me feel more focused and in control of my day.

I hope these tools can set you up for a successful semester. Time to check “Article” off my to-do list! ;) Happy studying!

Hello! My name is Madalyn. I am a senior at DePauw studying Philosophy, Law, and Public Policy. I am an Honor Scholar and a pre-law student. I aspire to be a combination of Taylor Swift and Elle Woods. <3