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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

We’ve all heard about manifestation and the law of attraction. Manifesting good grades . . .  healthy relationships . . . financial wealth. But what exactly is manifestation, and how do we use the law of attraction?

Simply put, manifestation is using your thoughts, beliefs, and actions to bring something tangible into your life. It is a simple yet powerful phenomenon. For this to work, you need to know exactly what you want. Set a goal. Write it down. Be intentional. Manifestation only works if you 100% believe in your goal and will take the steps necessary to reach it. 

According to the law of attraction, we attract situations that have a similar frequency as our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. We’ve all heard the phrase “like attracts like.” There is a frequency we broadcast that determines what we attract or repel. This is why we get good vibes from some people or don’t vibe with others. 

These two concepts go hand in hand as they both deal with how our thoughts create our realities. What we focus on becomes our reality, but focusing on thoughts is not enough to manifest our dreams. Manifestation requires both action and thoughts. 

To give you an example, if a company fails, the CEO is to blame; but, if a company succeeds, the CEO is also responsible. We are all the CEOs of our lives. Success does not come by simply existing: it requires working hard, establishing goals, and embracing opportunities. We need to direct our energy towards achieving our dreams. 

Here are few of my favorite techniques for manifesting goals:

  1. Visualization: Experiencing your dream with all of your senses. Picture your future self when you have achieved your goal.
  2. Vision boards: Putting together images and quotes that resonate with the vision of your future self. Have this somewhere you see every day, like a phone wallpaper.  
  3. Affirmations: Repeating positive statements to reinforce your goals. This helps break the negative belief patterns of your self conscious by creating new, future-oriented ones. An example of this could be the phrase “I am worthy enough to follow my dreams” or “I’m creating a life full of passion and purpose.”

Integrating these ideas into your daily life can slowly contribute to your future successes. It is not enough to just think of something and make it happen. But, our thoughts are an important step to achieving our goals. By using these techniques, we have the potential to change our realities and create a positive shift in our lives. 

Hey, I'm KP! I'm in the class of 2025 at DePauw pursuing my interests in business through the Management Fellows Program. I write for the Features section of DePauw's HerCampus.