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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

Down to earth, complete gentlemen, best laugh and biggest smile. He shows up to the Hub exactly on time wearing a navy ¾ zip pullover, a blue plaid button-up, shorts, and Sperry’s. His baby blue eyes and amazing personality are the first two things you notice. He introduces himself to us, sits down placing his black backpack on the chair next time him and his phone promptly at his side, which we later used to look-up pick-up lines, because he was stumped by one of our questions. Needless to say, he made Chelsea and I, the newest Campus Cutie writers, feel completely comfortable. The conversation was dominated by laughter. He’s easy-going, laid back, and really fun to talk to. He’s well traveled and has an awesome sense of humor. At times, some of our questions caught him off guard and he had a difficult time talking about himself. Ladies, if you don’t know Logan Patterson, get to know him! You can start here…

HC: So can you start by telling us a little bit about yourself?
LP: I’m a senior Economics major from Carmel. I play lacrosse. I’ve played on the team all four years that I’ve been here, and this is the first year we are having a Varsity program, which is pretty cool because we are joining DePauw’s conference.

HC: We hear you’re a Sigma Chi. What’s the best part of being a member of this fraternity?
LP: I kind of like living with just a bunch of guys. You have so many different personalities living under the same roof, so there’s never a dull moment. It’s just a lot of fun.

HC: You were picked to be Campus Cutie by a raffle at the tailgate. Can you tell us about any of your tailgating rituals?
LP: We tend to pick a theme in terms of music, so last week was 80’s music. That can be kind of fun. But usually I just go and mingle and socialize… and then eventually go to the football game.

HC: What would you say are some tailgating necessities?
LP: I would say having a tent or like a big monument for each of the fraternities. So we have this big tent that says, “Sigma Chi.” It’s something you can stand under. We put our grill right next to it, you know… Oh yeah, a grill is another necessity.

HC: Sticking with the idea of Tiger pride, what is your favorite DePauw tradition?
LP: Oh wow. This is a good one. I mean Boulder Runs are always fun, but I really like how people just go to support athletes. It’s just fun because you know the people that are playing. We have this new athletic director, and she’s been really great about promoting athletics on DePauw’s campus.

HC: Switching gears a little bit, you’re a senior now, have you had the chance to study off campus yet?
LP: Well, last fall, I did my Management Fellows internship in India. So I lived there for four and a half months. It’s one of the coolest things I’ve ever done. It was a really defining experience for my DePauw career. I learned a lot, made a lot of good friends, and I got to see some cool places. I love to travel. Traveling is one of my biggest passions. We actually went to Singapore and Bangkok on the way there, and when we left in December, we went to Dubai for five days, and then we went to Paris for four days. So I spent a semester off campus, but I really made it count. I’m also really excited, because I’m going to Mexico over Winter Term.

HC: So if you could take a girl anywhere in the world, where would you go and what would you do?
LP: Honestly, I’m a big fan of walks with people. So that’s the first thing that comes to mind, and I don’t know if this is the best answer that I can come up with, but Paris. I absolutely love Paris. I don’t speak French, but it’s a beautiful city, has amazing food, and culture is just awesome. So I’d say just walk the city’s streets…. Long walks on the beach maybe (jokingly)? So yeah it’s just the first thing that came to mind, but maybe go out to dinner, and walk along the river. There’s just so much to see. But it depends on the girl, really. I’m kind of outdoorsy, too, so maybe backpacking for a couple days through the mountains.

HC: Okay, so we have to ask, single or taken?
LP: Single.

HC: So what are you looking for in a girl?
LP: I think I know. [laughs] No, I like girls that are laid-back, that aren’t really up-tight, that just like to have fun. And smile is really important. But, honestly, I would just say that the biggest thing is a positive attitude.

HC: What is the first thing you notice about a girl?
LP: I always look at the eyes. Yeah, I’m a big fan of the eyes.

HC: Have you ever dropped any really good or really bad pick-up lines?
LP: I generally don’t use pick-up lines. I’ll… I’ll find something to talk about. I wish I could come up with one… I’m just not cheesy like that…

HC: What is one thing a girl should never do when trying to impress a guy?
LP: I would say speak negatively about her friends because that’s happened before, but I’m not attracted to negativity.

HC: What is your ideal date with a girl?
LP: Something simple. Don’t get me wrong, I love really fancy restaurants, but I like simple. I don’t like big productions.

HC: We know you’re a modest guy, but what do you think girls love most about you?
LP: [Laughs] My personality. I try to be easy to talk to. I’m a very conversational person.

As we approach the end of our interview, Logan is still determined to find a pick-up line that we can publish. He takes out his phone and begins searching the Internet.

LP: Here you go… Gotlines.com – The ultimate pick-up line resource.

He reads the categories of pick-up lines out loud, and chooses to read the ones under the category of flattering.

LP: You’re so beautiful you made me forget my pick-up line.

He laughs hysterically, and puts his phone down on the table, telling us to publish that one.

HC: Do you have any last words for the ladies at DePauw?
LP: Nothing too cheesy. Just get to know me, let’s be friends.