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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

HELP, I’m a senior!!! They say college ~changes you~ and maybe that sounds dramatic, but I would say it’s pretty accurate. It’s amazing how much growth you can experience from the ages 18 to 22. I’m sure the next few years will shock me too, but I’m a lot closer to the person I want to be than when I first stepped on campus. So, after four years, 30 classes, 25 orders of mac bites, two trips around the world, 3,000 mental breakdowns, a Monon Bell win, and who knows how many Starbucks runs, I’ve decided to reflect on some lessons DePauw has taught me in between.

Lesson 1: Being goofy is way more fun than being afraid.

         I used to aggressively care what people thought of me to the point that I wouldn’t be myself. I would stay quiet most of the time because I didn’t want to say the wrong thing. Cute thing I found out: no one thinks you are as embarrassing as you are. Once I realized that I’m my biggest critic, the goofy side came running out. Part of this could be that people in college are a bit more mature than high schoolers, but I think if we taught everyone to embrace the weirdness early on, we would all be a little happier.

Lesson 2: I’m a MF woman!!

         Shoutout Ke$ha! But seriously, I guess I never had the words to explain why being a woman was so important to my identity. Being at DePauw taught me that it kinda sucks (lol), but now I’m proud to say I’m a feminist. I’ve had powerful woman role models and heard speakers like Malala and Tarana Burke that have grounded my beliefs.

Lesson 3: Relationships matter most.

         I used to prefer time alone, and to some extent that’s still true. (We love some self-care time.) But I’ve also realized I’m a people person, and I value my relationships with others over anything else. For some reason, this can be hard to forget?? Life stresses me out hardcore, but when I step back, I remember why it matters. I’ve met some of my best friends at DePauw, and the people here amaze me everyday. People are cool (usually).

Lesson 4: Go for it.

         This is a recent one that I’m still trying to figure out. But I’ve noticed that people often excuse their behavior because they are “going through things.” Which, FAIR. Not trying to say you should push your metal health and priorities aside, but I think if you wait for the “right time,” you will never find it. Life is all about going through things, so don’t put aside what you deserve and what the people you love deserve until you figure things out. Surprise: you are constantly growing, and that’s pretty sweet if you ask me.

“Great people do things before they are ready”- Amy Poehler


         What you say is important, how you say it is important, when you say it is important. I pay very close attention to how I say things. It’s important to think a little before you speak and consider who your words could be impacting. Be inclusive with your speech and consider your positionality. Language can build bridges.

Hi, my name is Bridget! I'm a Peace and Conflict Studies major with Philosophy and Asian Studies minors. I love writing about my friends, personal growth, social justice, and of course, all things Bachelor/Bachelorette!