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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

Whenever I tell someone that my favorite artist is Taylor Swift, I am swiftly (haha) met with the same, simple-minded response, “How can you like Taylor Swift? All of her music sounds the same?” This question has always bugged me because as a globally successful artist that has crossed genres from country to indie to pop, it seems impossible to have written over 200 songs that sound the same. To combat this question, I have compiled a list of 13 Taylor Swift songs that completely surpass the songs like “Shake it Off” and “I Knew You Were Trouble” that typically dominate people’s perception of Swift. 

1. Last Kiss – Speak Now, 2010 

Starting strong with Last Kiss from Swift’s 3rd studio album, Speak Now. This song, written solely by Swift, is heart-achingly beautiful and dives deep into the idea of losing a relationship you never thought you would lose. 

2. epiphany – folklore, 2020 

Next, is epiphany a song from a pandemic-born album, folklore. This song is ethereal and beautifully brings together the horrors of war, inspired by her grandfather, and the effects of being a medical professional during the pandemic. While these ideas do not seemingly fit together, Swift ties them together in a heart-breaking and treacherous way.

3. champagne problems –  evermore, 2020

Champagne problems is a song about disappointing the person you love and not being ready for commitment. She sings of loss and sorrow. This song is notable for its bridge. 

4. Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve – Midnights (3am Edition), 2022

This song details Taylor’s relationship with an older man while she was still in her teens. In the song, she wishes for her youth back and dreams what could have been.

5. Daylight – Lover, 2019 

While Taylor is known for her more somber tunes, Daylight takes a different turn. In this song, Swift sings of a love she has never experienced before. She paints the picture of this love as liberating and freeing. 

6. New Year’s Day – reputation, 2017 

Another one of Swift’s happier songs, New Year’s Day describes a relationship in which the loved one stays with her, even after the fun and the party is over. 

7. New Romantics – 1989 (Deluxe Edition), 2014

This song is a whimsical, upbeat take on heartbreak and dating in your young adult years and contains some of Swift’s most breathtaking lyrics. 

8. Innocent – Speak Now, 2010 

Innocent, one of my personal favorite songs, dives deep on the idea of forgiveness. In the song, Swift forgives an individual who has wronged her, describing them as “innocent.”

9. Breathe (ft. Colbie Calliat) (Taylor’s Version) – Fearless (Taylor’s Version), 2021

Another one of Taylor’s more melancholy songs, she describes a loss that is suffocating and a person that is hard to live without. Both the lyrics and melodies stand out in this ballad. 

10. State of Grace (Acoustic Version) (Taylor’s Version) – Red (Taylor’s Version), 2021

One of my favorite songs, lyrically speaking, State of Grace speaks of an unexpected relationship that is peaceful and exciting all at once. 

11. The Archer – Lover, 2019 

The Archer is one of Taylor’s more personal songs, she delves into her insecurities and mental well-being. She discusses topics like self-loathing.

12. Ronan (Taylor’s Version) – Red (Taylor’s Version), 2021 

Ronan, a heart-breaking song, is about a young boy Taylor knew that passed away, She writes from his mother’s point of view. Swift perfectly captures the feeling of death and loss in this song, making it hard to listen to on a frequent basis. 

13. august – folklore, 2020 

Swift takes on storytelling in this song released in 2020. Here she describes a relationship that was never for her, no matter how hard she tried for it to be. (It is important to note that this song is part of a trilogy (cardigan, august, and betty) and it completes the story of a young teenage love story). 

Spotify Playlist of Swift’s Best Non-Single Songs

Lindsay is majoring in english writing and loves all things reading and writing. She is graduating in 2026. Her favorite things include Taylor Swift, plants, and coffee.