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Kelly Killpack ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

What are you involved in on campus?
Vice President of Member Development of Pi Phi, Office of Admissions Tour Guide, HerCampus: News Section Editor & Writer—That’s straight from my obnoxious signature on my e-mail! I also can be found at Turbo Kick every Tuesday and Thursday… it’s an addiction.
Relationship status?
Hmm, I’ll let him answer that…
What are you looking for in a guy?
Someone who’s affectionate and can hold interesting conversation with me. But, I’d like to be able to goof off and just enjoy each other’s company. If he can accept my quirks, he’s a keeper.
First person you met on campus?
I met my first friend on campus over Facebook. After some extensive creeping through our DePauw Class of 2014 group, I saw she was practically my twin, so I knew we were meant to be best friends. And now, we are inseparable!
What is your favorite place to eat in Greencastle?
Blue Door Café! Also, Green Apple Frogurt, they really need a preferred customer card by now for me.
What is your ideal date?
Cuddle session watching movies and eating Marvin’s. Simple coffee dates are my favorite too.
What is the worst gift you’ve received from a guy?
Hand-made earrings. He gave them to me in the middle of the hallway in 8thgrade.
What is your favorite place you have traveled to?
Italy for Winter Term. We went to Venice, Verona, and Rome. I am such a tourist and loved seeing all the famous sights. The food was pretty good too, I suppose. I absolutely fell in love with the country!
What are your Spring Break plans?
Disney World. Yes, I’m 20 years old.
If you could be any Disney princess which would you be?
I like to consider myself one of the Disney Princesses actually, so this question was made for me! I like Tangled more than your average child, so without a doubt, Rapunzel. Just look at that hair!
What is your favorite color of nail polish?
Nude. I know that’s boring!
What is your Favorite quote:(one of many) “There’s a certain happiness in being silly and ridiculous.”

Grace is a Communications Major at DePauw University. She enjoys traveling, music, shopping, and being in the sun.