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Kat Molloy ’13

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.


This week’s Campus Celebrity is Kat Malloy. She is a senior shooting guard on the basketball team and a Kinesiology major. She is this week’s Celebrity because the basketball team is just awesome! And she deserves recognition.


HerCampus: Four years of college basketball, how have they been?

Kat Malloy: I would say that with every year it has gotten better and our team has become closer. I would not change anything about the experience. It is weird that Saturday was my last game that I will ever play at DePauw. There were so many people there Friday and Saturday. It was so cool.

HC: What’s your most memorable moment?

Kat: To be honest, I think it’s going on right now.

HC: Yeah, I would say that that s a tough experience to beat.

Kat: But…over Winter Break we did go to Puerto Rico. We were there for five days. We play two games that we won, which was big, and then we had two days to kind of just hang out. It was a really fun trip.

HC: What are you going to miss most about basketball?

Kat: I’m going to miss spending so much time with the team. At the end of the basketball season you are going from spending three hours everyday at practice with the girls on your team and spending time on the weekends together on the road. It’s going to be weird not being a part of a team. Not having the constant support system.  

HC: How long have you been playing basketball?

Kat: Since I was about five years old.

HC: What are you going to do when you graduate?

Kat: Start applying to PA schools.

HC: What’s a PA?

Kat: A physician’s assistant. I need 1000 hours work experience direct patient contact so that will keep me busy.

HC: Do you see yourself still doing something with basketball after you graduate?

Kat: My older sister who graduated used to play basketball too and she has found a good league that I can jump into. I’ll possibly try to coach and little kids team as well.

HC: How is balancing school and a sport?

Kat: It is all about time management. You have to be focused and get to bed early because there will be games, practices, and you have also have to get your homework done. It’s definitely better being in the NCAC because we don’t have to travel as far so we don’t miss a lot of school.

HC: Don’t you run track too?

Kat: I do. I run the 400, 800, and 1500. I ran track in high school and then didn’t my freshman year here, but I started track again my sophomore year. I’ll take a week off and then start up with track.