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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

Joe Fanelli ‘13

This rugged, laid-back cutie will steal your heart with his cultured attitude and way with words.  He’s sure to spice up your life. 
Hometown: Indianapolis, IN
Year: Junior
Greek Affiliation: Phi Kappa Psi
Major(s)/Minor(s): Major in English Writing with Minor in Political Science
Relationship Status: Single
Campus Activities/Athletics: Sports Editor for The DePauw, Track and Field Retiree
What do you do for The DePauw?  
I am the sports editor for The DePauw, which means that I am responsible for providing all the content for the sports section of the newspaper.  I assign stories and then write my own. 
What do you like about it?
I honestly like the feeling of ownership. When the paper comes out, I like to look at the sports section and think of it as my section. I am proud of it and my writers this semester.
What did you do for Winter Term?  
Nothing. I spent the fall semester in Munich and needed a break. 
Where do you see yourself in five years?
I think of this in terms of location. I love Indiana, but I want to live in different parts of the country. I lived in Munich last semester and traveled frequently and it really made me think of all the places in the US I haven’t seen. I went down to New Orleans for a couple days around New Year’s and loved it. The South is just such a spirited place, and it’s 75 degrees in January! I’d live down there or out west. 
If someone were looking for you on campus, where would they find you?
Probably in the newspaper room. I grossly underestimated how much time the paper would take. I love the environment of the place though. 
How many texts do you send out in one day?
Not many. Probably 10? I used to send a lot more, but I’ve begun hiding my phone when I start drinking. 
Favorite TV Channel, besides ESPN?
What flavor wings do you order at Buffalo Wild Wings?
Spicy Garlic. 
What’s your astrological sign?
Um…the one that’s a scale. 
Would you rather travel to the mountains or the beach?
Beach. When I go I don’t even take a towel. I just love laying on the sand.  
In your opinion, what is the most attractive characteristic on a girl?
Some girls have smiles that just melt you. 
Biggest turn-off?
Probably indifference.  
What is your most successful pick-up line/move?
In Europe, I’d tell girls I was American. On the flip side, I once proposed to a girl, like, the second time we hung out… that didn’t end well.
Who’s your campus crush?
I fall in love like 14 times a day so right now it’s the girl at the table next to me in the library.
Mckenzie Curran is a Sociology and Communication major at DePauw University. Mckenzie is new to the HerCampus Team, and looks forward to planning HerCampus events in the upcoming school year in order to spread awareness of the site. Mckenzie spends her free time going to campus events, baking, and hanging out with her Kappa Alpha Theta sisters.