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JayD Robinson ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

Hometown: Indianapolis, IN

Intended Major: Political Science

Campus Activities: Linebacker on the football team, Campus Rugby

Hobbies: Hanging with friends, working out and wake boarding

Favorite Food: Pizza

Favorite Book: Scar Tissue

Favorite Movie: Forrest Gump

Most Attractive Quality You Find in a Girl: A good smile and pretty eyes

If You Could Be Someone Else For a Day, Who Would You Be?: Ari Gold

Favorite Place to Study: 3rd floor of Julian

Dream Job: Sports Agent for Hope Solo

Proudest Moment at DePauw: Playing in the Varsity football game against Rose-Hulman

Grace is a Communications Major at DePauw University. She enjoys traveling, music, shopping, and being in the sun.