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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

Now that the leaves are changing, it’s time to pull out the jackets! While some are just trying to keep warm on their way to their 8:10 class, others are definitely making some fashion statements. Some trends we have seen this year include military jackets and vests. There is such a variety of cute jackets that can be seen around campus, and they all add to your personal style, while serving a purpose!

Senior Christine Clement wears her cognac leather jacket as a part of her outfit to class and around campus.

Junior Suzanne Spencer throws on a jean jacket as an extra layer for this beautiful fall day.

Senior Ashley Issac sports a vest—a very popular option these days!

Junior Angela Cotherman wears a pea coat—from Korea! Many variations of coats like these can be found around campus as a lighter option for this mild weather.