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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

This California-born cutie is a breath of fresh air with a passion for service and travel. On your romantic date you may even hear, “I Can Show You The World” ringing in the background.  

Hometown: Los Altos, California
Year: Junior
Major: Political Science
Why did you choose Political Science? I want to join the Peace Corps and work at an NGO.
On-campus activities: Ultimate Frisbee
Relationship Status: Single…technically.
Have you traveled internationally?
Where have you traveled?
Thailand, Tanzania, England, Belgium, Italy, Czech Republic, Netherlands, France, Mexico, the Caribbean, Australia, New Zealand, and I am going to Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia for Winter Term this year.
What do you love about traveling?
Getting to experience different cultures. Most of the traveling I do now is for community service; I like to help those whose lives are less fortunate than many Americans’.
What was your favorite place that you have visited? And why?
It’s a tie between Thailand and Tanzania. I spent a month in both, so I got to experience the culture more intensely. I did a lot of service projects there, which meant a lot to me. Plus, I had the chance to scuba dive on a private island.
After visiting so many places, what’s it like to be in a small town like Greencastle?
For me it’s as different a culture from California as any of the other countries I’ve been to. It gives me a chance to get out of California and live somewhere else for a while. And I love DePauw, especially its diversity.
What’s your craziest moment at DePauw?
First time I ever went to Fiji, I woke up in the woods behind Delta Chi missing my shirt, shoes, and phone. Oh! And Monon freshman year I dislocated my elbow.
What’s your favorite hiding spot on campus?
The nature park, especially the reflection center.
What’s the most creative date you’ve taken a girl on?
Going on a picnic, with home cooked food.
What’s your best pick up line?
The only one I have ever used that has actually worked was: “Are you from Tennessee because you’re the only 10-I-See,” and it was because the girl was actually from Tennessee.

Grace is a Communications Major at DePauw University. She enjoys traveling, music, shopping, and being in the sun.