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I Spy – DePauw Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

Take a second to think back to your childhood.  Remember how stress free and fun it was? When the trickiest part of the day was playing “I Spy” or “Spot the Difference?”  And, the best part of solving puzzles was that they were for pure enjoyment, not a determining factor of where you are going to work for the rest of your life.  Well my friends, it’s time for a photo blog that will not only be pleasing to the eye, but stimulating to the brain—just for fun. Sit back, take a break from the stressors of college, and enjoy.  Can you spot the differences between the photos of East College or spy the hidden objects among the trinkets found in a Her Campus girl’s bag?  Answers given below—no peaking!
Go get ‘em, Smarty-pants.

A few changes were made to the familiar East College and its surroundings.  Can you spot all five?

I spy with my little eye…five flowers, three bottles of nail polish, four sets of leaves, a ring, one HerCampus writer, three letter “I’s” and six pink hearts.

Check out the answers!!

Leanne Schaub is a senior at DePauw University, class of 2011, where she is majoring in Communication with a minor in Psychology. She is originally from the beautiful town of Leland, located in northern Michigan. Leanne is the President of the Gamma chapter of Alpha Phi and is a Speaking and Listening Center Consultant. On those rare occasions when she is not busy with academics or extracurricular activities, she loves dancing, catching up with family and friends, watching classic movies, being creative, cooking, and organizing.