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How to with Sass…Make the most of Little 5

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

How to with Sass: Make the most of Little 5
Katie Cassidy and Sam Wong
It is that time of the year once again. Time to break out your best neon frat wear, bicycles, and beverage of choice. It’s Little 5!  Some say it is even better than getting your Mon-on.  The sun will be shining, music will be blasting, and officials will be screaming at you to get out of the street. In the words of Effie Trinket, let the games begin—may the odds be ever in your favor. Oh, and don’t forget your helmet.

  1. 5k on Tuesday.  This is a great way to work off all the extra cals you’ll be accumulating the rest of this week.  Just be glad this is only a 5k and not 500 laps around the track. 
  2. Time trials.  Bust out your goofy gear and head out to the airport to watch some of your peeps fly… and no, not in planes!
  3. GO to the race.  Some people make the mistake of not making the trek across our mile-long campus to the actual race.  Go support your house, and friends.  Even go the extra mile and put your favorite racers face on a stick.  
  4. Tour de Franzia. Assemble a team of your closest friends and head on over to Tour de Franzia. Make sure you pick a group of winners, so you’re not stuck finishing the bag yourself.
  5. Make it out Saturday night.  This is a long, long week in which you must learn the definition of the phrase “pace yourself”.  Going out on the “town” Saturday night is a far-fetched goal for some, but with our final weeks numbered this semester, this is not an option.


Mckenzie Curran is a Sociology and Communication major at DePauw University. Mckenzie is new to the HerCampus Team, and looks forward to planning HerCampus events in the upcoming school year in order to spread awareness of the site. Mckenzie spends her free time going to campus events, baking, and hanging out with her Kappa Alpha Theta sisters.