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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

Have you been to the new dining hall? If not, big mistake! DePauw’s new dining hall, Hoover Hall, has a lot to offer and in my opinion, has better options as well. Not only is it beautiful, but it is also rather spacious. If you remember the Hub, it was always very cramped and uncomfortable, but I believe Hoover will never have that problem. Let’s take a look inside.

The building itself is gorgeous. There are marble floors throughout the halls and elegant yellow walls. As soon as you walk in, the building just smells new. I don’t know about you, but I love that smell. What is also refreshing is that DePauw added all gender bathrooms. 

The food options are endless! There are still your typical American and international food lines which are in their own separate areas, creating more space and less traffic. They added a sub station which has its own panini maker! Waffles, yes waffles, are now available for brunch! I might just cry. The salad bar is now shared with the desserts and is the big island in the middle with much more options. Last, but not least, they mimicked the pasta bar that is available at the Inn at DePauw and put one in Hoover. Now you can have your pasta bowl made how you like and right in front of you, how neat!

There is endless seating in the new dining hall. The primary dining section has 548 seats to choose from that are also spaced out nicely. There is much more room to pull out your seat and sit, which was a major issue at the Hub. The chandeliers for added lighting makes the scenery much more elegant and gives off a very classy appearance. My favorite part about the dining area is the fire place. It’s huge!! There is nothing more than I love to keep me warm than a fire place and the marble border just makes it that more beautiful to look at.

I really recommend going to Hoover and eating there; you will not regret it. I ate there the other night and made myself the most delicious panini

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and I cannot wait to go back and try out the new pasta bar. The freshmen sure are lucky to start off with this luxury; do not take it for granted!

Freshman at Depauw University.
Campus Correspondent for HC DePauw! Psychology and Spanish major, art history minor '17. CollegeFashionista Style Guru & Editorial Intern. DePauw Cheerleading Social Media Manager.