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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

The holidays are long gone, and the end of the year seems decades away. Papers and projects are stacking up, leaving no room for rest. Hours are spent in Julian reading the endless number of readings. The days are melting together as the numbers on the calendar continue to change.

I just want to go home and see my dog!

February and March, as a lot of us can agree, are tough months to go through in college, as every day and week seems to be exactly the same. There is little excitement in the air, people seem to be a little more irritable than usual, and there is an insurmountable amount of work. Although these months seem to be endless, cheer up! You’ll get to the end. I’ve found that a few things have really spiced up the identical days.

1. Friends!

Although during these exhausting weeks it seems like a chore to go out of your way and make plans, it’s so important to find variety in the days. One great way to do so is by reaching out to people, whether they be your best friend or someone you wish to get to know better. Trust me, they need to get away from the books just as much as you do. I’ve found that making plans with new people always leaves me in a better mood and more ready to work than ever. Develop new relationships when nothing new seems to be happening!

2.  Girl, take some time for yourself.

As important as it is to have healthy relationships around, it’s just as important to take some time just for YOU. Whether it be spending an hour at the gym sweating your worries away, journaling, drawing, dancing, skating, cooking, or whatever your hobbies may be, make sure to take a breath and find some time every day to take care of yourself.  Make sure you’re doing your complete skin care routine and showering at reasonable times of the day. You’ve got to feel good to do good! In the end, your papers aren’t going to be your best work if you’re physically incapable of giving it your all. Do your nails! Have a spa day! You Deserve it.

3. The weekends are your best friend.

48 hours of absolutely no class, and this isn’t even including the hours on Friday evening. There is so much you can do and if you use these hours wisely, you won’t even need a third of these hours for schoolwork. Plan a trip to Indy, go on a hike in the nature park, have a picnic. These are prime days to make memories. Make March 2022 special and not just one of the meaningless months in the year. Take a few hours off of your schoolwork and spend the days while you’re still young.

You can get through these dreary months, and once you do, it’s bikinis and cold lemonade!

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Hanako Goetz

DePauw '25

I am a student writer at DePauw! I am really excited to join HerCampus!