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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

 I’m assuming that many of you lovely ladies are asking yourself some questions right about now: Wait—is it actually 2012? When did it become April, for Pete’s sake? How did time fly by so quickly? Where have I been?!
The school year is indeed winding down—but that doesn’t mean that the nightlife is. Although we never endured much of a winter, Spring Fever is still taking a toll. Many have been forced to miss class due to beautiful Friday afternoon weather conducive to Frisbee throwing and sun soaking. Caution: if your friends start to show symptoms, beware—it is highly contagious. And we are fast approaching a season of long anticipated events—formals, informals, Little 5—you name it. With all the fun about to commence, who has time to rest?
This is just a friendly reminder not to go too hard, too often. Looking for a great activity when you decide to stay in? Game night! Maybe you’re like me and those words are music to your ears. Or maybe, you’re like the majority of my friends, and you are already groaning. But let me just say this…once I’ve roped them into a game of some kind, my friends never regret it. Granted, some games are better suited for certain people and occasions than others. So pick what’s best for you!
1.    Word Games
“Apples to Apples” is a popular game for bigger groups. People think it’s overrated, but it always guarantees some laughs, and it’s easy to pick up for those who have never played. “Balderdash” is another easy one to learn. It involves creating definitions for obscure words, and then trying to guess what the word actually means. Both games can be played with best friends or even a group of strangers.
2.    Guessing Games
“The Game of Things” has become a recent favorite of mine. You’re presented with scenarios such as “Things you shouldn’t say to your professor…” Everyone writes one down and then you try to guess who said what. It takes surprisingly little effort to fool your friends. Of course, there is also good old charades. But if you’re lacking in the energy department, you can opt for its cousin, Catchphrase.
3.    Card Games
I have one word for you: Euchre. Did you really think I’d suggest anything else? This is Indiana, ladies. If you don’t know how to play Euchre, stop reading right now and go find someone to teach you. It is a strategic, stimulating, FUN game—and I promise it is well worth your valuable time to learn. And of course, to then play!
Let yourself take some breaks this semester. No need to have FOMO, (fear of missing out) because game night can be just as social as going out. Invite that cute boy from your Literature class, some sorority sisters, or a few friends you haven’t seen in a a while. Better yet—invite them all!
Send an invitation my way as well—that is, if you’re not afraid of some competition…

Mckenzie Curran is a Sociology and Communication major at DePauw University. Mckenzie is new to the HerCampus Team, and looks forward to planning HerCampus events in the upcoming school year in order to spread awareness of the site. Mckenzie spends her free time going to campus events, baking, and hanging out with her Kappa Alpha Theta sisters.