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Life > Experiences

Four Ways to Show Your Friends You’re Thankful for Them

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

As the holiday season approaches, I have begun to reflect on my relationships with those around me. Caught up in the day-to-day tasks that come with being a college student, it’s easy to forget to express gratitude for those who support you each day. Of course we remember to thank our parents for all that they have done for us, but what about the people who have chosen to be there for you during the good times and the bad? Being in college means I have friends living as close as across the hall from me, to as far as across the country. If your friend lives a few doors down or a few hundred miles away, here are a few ways to express your gratitude for all that they do.

Send a Care Package

While this is one of the pricier options, it only has to be as expensive as you want to make it. Simply throwing in a few of your friend’s favorite snacks, some fuzzy socks and a Starbucks gift card is a definite way to let your friend know that you’re thinking about them.

Venmo Them For Coffee

If you know they have a big exam or project that they’re working on, Venmo them for a coffee to either fuel up for a late night, or to grab right before they head into class. This is a quick and easy way to let them know you care, and that you’re rooting for them!

Write a Letter

Handwritten notes will never go out of style. Write a letter acknowledging your friend’s hard work, all they do for you and express how thankful you are to have them in your life. 

Check In

Although it may seem small, checking in on a friend can be the most impactful. Attempting to keep up with your own life can be a task in itself, and it is easy to forget that your friends also have day-to-day struggles. Sending a quick text along the lines of “Thinking of you! How’s everything going?” or “How was your day today? I saw you had a big exam” can go a long way. Let them know whether they’re struggling or excelling, you want to be there for them through it all.

Deja Scott

DePauw '22

DePauw 2022 Economics and Sociology Major