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Dear Debbie DePauw: Single

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

Dear Debbie,

Valentine’s Day is coming up and I recently broke up with a long time partner. While I’m happy being single I think I’m going to be really down on Valentine’s simply because I don’t have one anymore. So how do I be single and happy on Valentine’s Day?



Dear Single,

            A lot of the time I think people tend to forget there is more than one kind of love. Most of the time, Valentine’s Day brings to mind dates with your significant other. But for those who aren’t dating there’s still self-love to appreciate! For those of you who are living it up alone (but not necessarily lonely) here are my tips to have a fun Valentines Day!

  1. Treat yourself – Even if it’s something small. Buy those chocolates at the store or that small bouquet (yes even if you buy it for you!) or hell maybe even a new bra. You work hard and you deserve recognition for that. Now is the time to do it.
  2. Do something you want to do – Go see a new movie or take a shopping day if you can. Maybe go out to lunch today or go to the bookstore and browse around. It can get hard to have you time in a world committed to being constantly connected. While you pamper your body with a treat, treat your mind to some quality quiet time.
  3. Go on a friends date – Have a girl’s night out (or night in). Go to your local favorite with some close friends for a plain old good time. Put on something pretty and pink to make you feel good for a night out on the town. Or stay in with some ice cream and your favorite movie in your pajamas. Whatever fits you mood; I don’t think you can go wrong with either choice!

I hope some of these ideas help!



Campus Correspondent for HC DePauw! Psychology and Spanish major, art history minor '17. CollegeFashionista Style Guru & Editorial Intern. DePauw Cheerleading Social Media Manager.