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Brace Yourself, You Could Be Next: The Turkey Dump

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.


It has almost become an expected part of the college experience: the legendary Turkey Dump. For those of you who have never heard of it, the Turkey Dump is pretty much the low point of the holiday. It’s the break-up that commonly happens around Thanksgiving break, where college freshmen finally end it with their high school sweetheart. It happens when we return from school. After a tasting a bit of college freedom, perhaps we decide we no longer want to remain in a relationship. Maybe its because you want to embrace single life, or maybe that long distance relationship just isn’t doing it for you. But before making any decisions, think everything over carefully. How is the relationship going? Is there a way you could make long distance work better? Do you see yourself being with this guy long term? Or, do you often wish you were single? Does he want to break up? Regardless of the reason, the Turkey Dump happens to freshmen couples everywhere. It’s a national epidemic.

That boy from high school that you stayed committed to because he seemed SO perfect, does he still seem that great? If so, then by all means find a way to make it work. Plan more visits, Face time, do whatever you have to. But if you find yourself leaning towards ending it, or even worse, have a fear that he might end it, look to the bright side. There are many benefits to being single in college.

When you are single you immediately become more independent. You won’t be glued to your phone anymore (well, not as badly at least) and worrying about trying to keep contact or texting back and calling each other all the time.

You don’t have to second-guess posting that picture hugging your best guy friend (as innocent as the picture may be, you know how your guy would react to that) and you can be free to talk to whomever you want.

You can go on dates, dance with boys at parties, open up to more circles of people.

You have no one holding you back from doing things that take up free time normally devoted to your relationship.

You can study a semester abroad, spend summer as an intern in a cool city, or travel somewhere awesome over winter break.

You can even devote some time outside of DePauw to hangout with college friends.

 If you’re a freshman going strong in a loving, healthy relationship, I’ve either scared you to death or made you hate me by now. Well don’t! While this predictable break up may happen often, it doesn’t mean it has to happen to you. Not all couples break up, there are plenty that make it work. So instead, take the Thanksgiving weekend to appreciate the fact that you have made it this far and think about how you can make even better.

 Now if you’re single and have made it this far into the article, you’re probably thinking, “What does this have to do with me? I don’t care,” well you should. Turkey Dump breakups might mean that cute guy down the hall is finally available, and that’s something to be thankful for.

My names Alexandra but I go by Alex. Freshmen at Depauw University, originally from Chicago, Illinois.
Rose Overbey

DePauw '20