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Abby Snively ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

Fast Facts:

Major: Economics

Hometown: Carmel, IN

Year: Sophomore

Abby Snively, Head Dance Marathon Chair, gives the inside scoop of her motivation and drive to bringing a worldwide charity for a Children’s Miracle Network hospital. Snively participated in Carmel High School Dance Marathon, which is known for being the biggest donator for high schools in the country. 

Her Campus: What is your role in starting Dance Marathon?

Abby Snively: I am one of the founders for Dance Marathon on DePauw’s campus, and I hope that it will continue for years to come. Right now, I am doing a little bit of everything.  It is a learn-as-you-go process.  I can’t specifically label my position because everyone is a part of starting this charity event.  This year the hardest thing was being approved by the university as a student organization, however we feel very confident in the success of our organization.

HC: What did you learn from Carmel High School’s Dance Marathon?

AS: Carmel Dance Marathon taught me that if you are passionate about something, you should follow that passion.  It was just an aspect of my life that I fell in love with because I got to meet the people whose lives I was changing.  Carmel’s executive board ran so smoothly and it showed me what an executive board should look like, so this year at DePauw we have been trying to recreate that board to make DePauw’s Dance Marathon run smoothly. I basically learned what the perfect Dance Marathon looked like at Carmel.

HC: What has made an impact on you from Dance Marathon?

AS: I love that Dance Marathon brings out the good in people. You hear so much about the bad in the world, and Dance Marathon is a shining example of what is still good. It’s amazing to me that so many people can come together for a cause so much bigger than themselves and give back to those in need. I love that people come together for the common goal of helping others.

HC: What is the mission statement of Dance Marathon?

AS: We dance for those who can’t, which basically means we stand and dance for all of the Riley [Children’s Hospital] kids who don’t have the ability to participate in an event like Dance Marathon themselves.

HC: What are ways that DePauw students can get involved?

AS: Everyone should go like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to get continual updates on what is happening! We’re just about to launch our website that will be the source of online giving, so we’re going to post all of that website information on our social media outlets and also send out emails to our list of people who have already showed interest! You can also always just reach out to anyone on the executive board if there are any questions, and spread the word to all your friends/ask your friends who are already involved how to get more informed!

HC: What are your future hopes for Dance Marathon?

AS: This year we want to raise at least $10,000 and have 500 dancers. Those are just preliminary goals that we obviously hope to exceed, but this year is all about just getting established and spreading the word about what a great event Dance Marathon is. By the end of my four years here I want everyone to participate in Dance Marathon and have it be the largest fundraiser at DePauw. I want it to be a continual event for years to come, years past my time here. It’s such a fun and amazing event, once people get involved I know that it will just continue to grow into something incredible!