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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at DePauw chapter.

As we get into another year, I wanted to bring back my study abroad profile series! This time, I wanted to talk with seniors Matigan Williams and Mahnoor Zahid, who both spent last spring studying at Oxford. I’m excited to hear more about their experiences together.

HC: Can you both introduce yourselves?

MW: I am a senior, Political Science major, Honor Scholar, from Lake Oswego, Oregon. On campus, I am a Peer Mentor in FYE, Presidential Ambassador, President of the Pre-Law and Public Affairs Club, and in Alpha Chi Omega.

MZ: I am also a senior, Neuroscience major, Honor Scholar, and an international student from Lahore, Pakistan. I am also an Alpha Chi Omega, and a Hillman Intern, W Center tutor and an ITAP intern, as well. I’ve also served on DSG and Panhellenic Exec before.

HC: Thank you. How did you decide to study at Oxford?

MW: I wanted a place that I could focus academically and study political science. Oxford was a great school to challenge me academically and one where I could easily travel around Europe. 

MZ: I heard about the program in my freshman year and I was set on going there sometime in my junior year. I just wanted the experience to be challenged academically and meet people from all over the world. I also wanted to experience a completely different academic environment as Oxford doesn’t have traditional lecture settings but rather a one-on-one tutorial style system. 

HC: What was your program like? Where did you live? Where did you get to travel?

MW: In the program, you took two different tutorials (classes). Most of the time was spent on your own doing research in the libraries and writing papers in the epic libraries. I lived in a house with three other people. This was an amazing experience. I traveled to London a bunch and then to Portugal, Spain, France, Switzerland, and Germany. 

MZ: So, I stayed in the program longer than Matigan. I was there for six months, from January till June. For a single spring semester for DePauw, I covered two terms at Oxford. Just as Matigan said, I always had two research papers due every week, and they needed to be heavily cited (like 15-20 scientific papers for each) so most of the time was spent in libraries. I lived with six other people in an apartment centrally located to the university center. I had a huge break in between the two terms (kind of like a winter break but make it easter) so I went back to Pakistan as I hadn’t seen my parents for 1.5 years. I also travelled within UK, such as I went to Scotland and saw the 1975 and Harry Styles there. I also went to Manchester where I got to see The Weeknd!

HC: What surprised you most about your semester abroad?

MW: I was most surprised by the people. Everyone was so nice and accepting to the study abroad students. They always were happy to show us around and invite us to their events. 

MZ: I was mostly surprised about the exam systems there. The students didn’t have to take any exams their entire undergraduate degree but would rather take one big exam at the end of their third or fourth year that would comprise of all the stuff they had learnt so far and it would determine whether they would get the degree or not! Yikes! 

HC: How did your semester influence your friendship? What’s your favorite memory together?

MW: I think our friendship grew exponentially. Being off campus, we were able to reconnect in a new space. My favorite memory was definitely all the pub nights. I loved going to spoons with Mahnoor and the Jesus College bar. This was such a unique Oxford experience that I am glad I got to do with you.

MZ: Oh definitely, we got so much closer. Despite being in Alpha Chi together we saw each other in different settings. My mom says that you really get to know someone when you travel with them, and I think I really got to see how amazing of a person she is! I am really glad that I got to know her so intimately and share such unique experiences together.

HC: What would you recommend for someone thinking about studying abroad?

MW: Do it! Find a program that is up your alley, whether it is travel focused or academic focused. You will meet people and it will be the best semester. 

MZ: 10000% recommended. It’ll change your life and will get you out of the DePauw bubble. I changed so much of my lifestyle after coming back from Oxford. 

HC: Thanks so much for talking with me today!

Hello! My name is Madalyn. I am a senior at DePauw studying Philosophy, Law, and Public Policy. I am an Honor Scholar and a pre-law student. I aspire to be a combination of Taylor Swift and Elle Woods. <3